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Naruto Support Tier List


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-14 09:20:41Show All Posts

Eh you should really make it from stuff you actually fight in like swb/matsuri/space time, not videos. *

Most of your SS and S suports are crap only 700k+ players would use, they don't really do anything unless you have very stacked backline or they just die turn 1 or 2 and do nothing.

New tsunade sure seems op in china, but nobody here knows yet how she work, china don't have crazy move 1 stack meta like we do. Here i imagine random 400-500k players with 20k or less move 3-4, she will just keep geting one shoted till she die for good without doing much, that's what happens to pretty much anything else that isn't one of tankier supports i put in SS and S rank.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-14 13:16:55Show All Posts

Guess never had any problems winning him so i don't see him as very good ninja, most common team i see him in is Edo Minato/Nagato/Sasori and i never lost to that unless they are 100k+ power more, same power he just dies very easily even with his really nice infinite reflect passive. Also because he is kinda only used for Edo Minato support, never seen him do anything in any other team, but ones above fit with many ninjas.

And sure he can help vs those ninjas no doubt, but there are better options, generally Kaze Gaara works very well with those 3, i would even say Kakuzu/Kushina/Minato + Gaara combo will win any other versions of same team without Gaara. There is also good old Edo Itachi who is probably best support unit vs kakuzu and new Ibiki + Kurenai, why increase cooldown/cost when u can just control the unit fully.

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