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[ Events ] Did they give up on this game?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-14 09:38:25Show All Posts

Yes they did, but not because of ninjas, because no content. They went on and on how we must rush to catch up to china version so we can just get their updates and then we passed it and never had new content since then.

Think about when was last time we actually had new conent? Half of tsunade npc that they lied and said she is added fully, when she isn't. China already had more plot, lvl 110 cap, more group levels, more team slots and few more new systems for maybe a year now not sure. We just geting recycled events and only new ninjas + outfits.

I think ever since we got refines and rune stones upgrade that china declined, our version is incompatible so we can't just copy their patches. At least that's what it's starting to feel like, we are in maintenance mode till game closes for good. They really need to do something like 7.0 and new stuff because many players who played for years are quiting.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 7
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On 2020-04-15 01:40:03Show All Posts
  • Anbu Ninja On 2020-04-14 19:18:28
  • @Dym, excuse me what is the refines and rune stones upgrade that we got and china declined? thanks in advance....but ya the rate of getting new updates is too slow, been here for few months and almost reached my limit out of boredem.....almost nothing new at all and every new ninja costs +20k-40k ingots lol....

    not to mention that most of the outdated systems are not rethought or redesigned to be more suitable. also some Bugs are there for a decade, mistakes in translating tests questions + forgetting to add "Except" in some of the questions or having them in German in first place, and much more, and they are expecting us to be joyful, keep playing and spending after all of this, seriously?!!!!

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