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[ Player Guide ] Naruto Online Tier List 02.10.2020 by Eli (Updated)


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On 2020-04-17 16:54:42Show this Author Only

Better one, good job

Just one thing, why summer kurenai so low in your list ? only A?

You put summer sakura (lol), itachi kimono and ibiki @SS

She deserves SS

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On 2020-04-17 20:25:03Show this Author Only
  • Thibs On 2020-04-17 16:54:42
  • Better one, good job

    Just one thing, why summer kurenai so low in your list ? only A?

    You put summer sakura (lol), itachi kimono and ibiki @SS

    She deserves SS

Might consider updating in time her to S tier and lowering Sakura to S tier on the contrary. Its just that for me usually if I had to pick a support I would pick other supports more often than Kurenai. There are just better options. For example, Ibiki does the same thing almost, but to clear Torture you need to have more than 20 chakra, which makes immobile more likely to be cleared. Ibiki has Super Armor and def scale unlike Kurenai, who is pretty squishy and apart from having mystery her other skill sets for me are decent, but not as good. She does not have many support mechanisms apart for immobile from mystery and casual mirror. Ibiki is similar but he is more tanky and torture is better than regular immobile for my opinion, but thanks. I will ask for opinions on that + think about it.

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On 2020-04-17 22:09:41Show this Author Only

I'm agree with that, but consider the fact that the sleep is unmissable (cannot fail) from kurenai + mirror + chaos when she get hit. She do not steal chakra but max 60chakra for 2 rounds is (IMO) better than steal chakra 1 round. It's more powerfull to counter ninjas which scale on chakra (IMO).

I really think she deserves SS, like ibiki. They looks similar but with their own strongness and weakness.

Anyway, it's just a tier list, it will change nothing ;p I just think you underestimate her

This post was last edited by Thibs on 2020-04-17 22:10:43.
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On 2020-04-17 22:33:21Show this Author Only
  • Thibs On 2020-04-17 22:09:41
  • I'm agree with that, but consider the fact that the sleep is unmissable (cannot fail) from kurenai + mirror + chaos when she get hit. She do not steal chakra but max 60chakra for 2 rounds is (IMO) better than steal chakra 1 round. It's more powerfull to counter ninjas which scale on chakra (IMO).

    I really think she deserves SS, like ibiki. They looks similar but with their own strongness and weakness.

    Anyway, it's just a tier list, it will change nothing ;p I just think you underestimate her

Yeah, maybe, but chaos and sleep don't effect immune ninjas and 90% of the meta are immune ninjas. But yeah, will definitely think about it. Max chakra by 60 lasts only in the first two rounds tho + there are not that many ninjas who need buffs from chakra. Vs Kakuzu will be hard to pull of due to interrupt + itachi sleep, maybe Sasuke, but hard to say. Either way, yeah. But I do appreciate the overall community interest and suggestions, so ofc I will pay attention to that, cause I plan on updating it from time to time, as it should be. So ty again.

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On 2020-04-18 23:58:14Show this Author Only

S tier ninjas opinion added to the Google doc. Later will add some opinions on specific A rank ninjas.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-04-18 23:58:24.
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On 2020-04-20 03:16:30Show this Author Only

Edo Hashi becomes a pure support, once you use his L-Breaks. It still makes sense, if you have Edo Minato with +2 mystery and y chase. Minato gets his CD every turn and you control the chakra as well. Also, we are not really interested in destroying Minatos barriere to beging with.

The descriptions are nice (especially for beginners), but I can't shake the feeling that those are mostly based on encounter in Arena. Of course in Arena Ay 4th will get controlled by any Pos 4 CC. In a real battle (even at same power) the cc fail is pretty much guaranteed.

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On 2020-04-20 22:19:40Show this Author Only

Thank you for your good work and effort!

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On 2020-04-23 09:41:36Show this Author Only

Great job with the list

Personally I'm most curious to hear about Sage Kabuto, Jinchuriki Madara and Edo Han. Why are they rated so low?

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On 2020-04-23 12:57:28Show this Author Only

I have Minato, Naruto six paths and edo, Hashirama and Tobirama Edo, Kimimaro halloween, Sasuke rinne sharingan and Kakashi summer, probably the units that make you rage quit LOL

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On 2020-04-29 23:53:38Show this Author Only

is there anything like this but for Chinese version? I wanna know who to save for

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On 2020-04-30 00:36:11Show this Author Only
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2020-04-29 23:53:38
  • is there anything like this but for Chinese version? I wanna know who to save for

Not enough players on the forum would play on the China server so you aren't going to get a lot of responses.

In terms of event ninjas, the only ones worth saving would be karin taka and ashura (they added this character recently) and indra (they should be adding him soon in China) but it's most likely it would be a long time it would be available in coupons once it is released in our server. In terms of skill breaks, madara great ninja gets a buff but still not p1 worthy.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2020-04-30 00:36:28.
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On 2020-04-30 22:00:12Show this Author Only

Updated on 30.04.2020:
Itachi Susano moved into SS support tier instead of God Tier support.
Killer Bee [Sever Swords Style] moved from SS support tier level to S level.

Itachi Susano is great, but definitely I guess I went a bit overboard giving him god like powers. SS suits his power level more.

Killer Bee is solid, but definitely nothing SS power about him. Buffs and additional standart are good, but for me S level. Solid.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-04-30 22:00:26.
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On 2020-05-01 05:53:44Show this Author Only

Just a note on Rinne Sasuke. As a user of him I can state that with 160 chakra absorbed he easily wipes a team round 3 and often takes a p1 to below half health. I am not entirely sure about this, but I think that his chase is where his real single target damage stems from. By round 3 every chase is a crit and I watched him pop 2 separate 8k hits on a def/res stacking kushina who was by that time only taking 300 damage from everyone else. Great writing with everything, keep it up

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On 2020-05-03 02:15:31Show this Author Only

About Ronin Naruto ,in my opinion, he is low on your list. He's at least SS. "If you judge a fish by it's ability to climb a tree, it will live it's whole life believing that it is *". Most people who use Ronin Naruto don't protect him enough. They run him without immunity, mirror or/and katsuyu's heal or any kind of heal. Which is the reason he is so easy to counter. I don't know how it is when you are 400k power and plus but at 300k (I'm 290k), he holds his ground. I've been using him for one year and I don't remember losing to a single person who has lower power than me. I defeated loads of SS and God tier of your list (if not byakougou Tsunade, nobody owns her in our bracket yet) even though they had more than 50k power than me. In fact, my opponent were only a challenge when they had at least 50k more power than me or Kakuzu bt with full chakra(250% defense is a pain). I use light main, edo itachi and bee for my Ronin Naruto team btw.

About Rinnesharingan Sasuke, I've been quite disappointed in his damage at round 2 and the fact that he dies easily if he doesn't have any protection but I think I have an excellent team for him, I'll just need to get summer Kurenai to complete it. I hope next week, she'll be available.

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On 2020-05-16 14:47:18Show this Author Only

Thanks so much, this helped me alot

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On 2020-05-16 21:00:35Show this Author Only

From the SS and S i have only one change and that's Nagato full SB, he should be SS since hes very powerfull counter to Immune ninjas and flexible to find good use in almost any team (yeah edo itachi etc.. can too) but he still buffs rinnegan/edo units or can be immune to pure ninjutsu with perma mirror.

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On 2020-05-17 00:48:03Show this Author Only
  • Huoying On 2020-05-16 21:00:35
  • From the SS and S i have only one change and that's Nagato full SB, he should be SS since hes very powerfull counter to Immune ninjas and flexible to find good use in almost any team (yeah edo itachi etc.. can too) but he still buffs rinnegan/edo units or can be immune to pure ninjutsu with perma mirror.

Well, he is SS. Just as a carry ninja usually he is not used and he is mainly position 2 always, so he is S in pos 1 carry. In all other tiers he is SS.
Will update the tier a bit next week.

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On 2020-05-20 05:50:14Show this Author Only
  • Pupsiiiii On 2020-04-06 05:11:04
  • You lost me when you put Ronnin Naruto in SS tier. but maybe a good list for newbies.

i dont see ronin naruto

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On 2020-05-20 05:52:49Show this Author Only
  • Onok1ツ On 2020-04-23 12:57:28
  • I have Minato, Naruto six paths and edo, Hashirama and Tobirama Edo, Kimimaro halloween, Sasuke rinne sharingan and Kakashi summer, probably the units that make you rage quit LOL

OH damm, Ur indra?

u wiped me out in 20 secs in swb


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On 2020-05-22 00:41:36Show this Author Only

Zetsu added to the list. S rank in both general and support. BT ofc.
Kimimaro downgraded from God Tier support to SS tier support.
Kurenai Summer upgraded from S tier support to SS tier support.
Kurenai Summer upgraded from A tier general to S tier general.
Edo Hashirama removed from PvP position 1 carry ninja list. Support only.
Susanoo Itachi/Sasuke, Edo Han and Angel Konan downgraded to A tier lvl from S tier lvl in PvP position 1 carry ninja list.
Shisui Uchiha (Regular version) downgraded to A tier from S tier in general list.
Kakuzu Earth Grudge downgraded from SS tier support to S lvl support.

This post was last edited by Eligosiel on 2020-05-22 00:42:14.
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