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[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 26th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-25 19:15:56Show All Posts
  • 3Hunna On 2020-03-25 18:20:45
  • Aight this fuku is finna fire, 25k for 100 sas rin frags is a good deal..

    But what we supposed to drop our cupons in????? Rest events are pure *....

25k is awful deal for sasuke rinne. You could get his frags in the past for as low as 178/frag, so 17.8k value, and even his average is 240/frag (which is high due to his launch price of 300/frag for many events). Recently his average is closer to 200. Kakashi Summer has been as low as 193/frag, and an average of 203/frag. So, a good "bonus" if there are other things in the other events which are good deals and you want. Otherwise, if all you want are these ninja for reward, it is a bad deal.

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