First 'Kakuzu Earth Grudge Fear'/3-4 attacks per rounds.../, after 'Minato Edo Tensei' and now 'Sasuke Rinne Sharingan' Breakthrougs. Oasis want to destroy this game? Fp2-s no have a chance! Reacharge events everytime. Story? Elite Isnatce? Plus you should do something about the events because the difference in power is huge: Sage world arena, training grounds etc. '30K-980K'
Wow. Thank you for a great week again!
Insane amount of recharge events each week with non stop! Thank you very much!
2 good f2play events if you have coupons stored.
Rebate if you have them.
Good breakthrough. Nothing else, good. And weekly ninjas that do not change over half a year almost. GJ.
Anything to get your money to be spent in a virtual world that can be taken away with a bl
Uh. You may want to fix the ingame dates on Ino because in the events. It says claim 10 frags of her on the 18th, so there is either a bug or someone made a mistake. Please fix quickly so that people who do not have her can get her to 3*
Bug still needs fixed please, you got the dates right now but I had claimed yesterday and now the 19th one i claimed is registered as the 20th I didn't claim yet.
Ino is a 2 star ninja need like 30 frags(or 20 or 25) to recruit :P and 50 to 3 star
you missed the point.... also doesnt matter if is 2 stars if it starts by giving/attempting to give 80 frags and they somehow fail.... the "is 2 stars ninja" isn't really an argument in my statement...
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