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[ Events ] Incoming buffs for Main's Talents


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-04-06 11:04:50Show All PostsDescending Order
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No this is not about new Skillbreakthroughts, but instead we are gonna get better talents.

Thanks Castal for translating this.

Recently CN got update which boosted and balanced some talents on Mains.

Fire Main

Passive 1:

At the beginning of round 1 , 4 and 7 ,summons an oboro clone with 45% hp and when the clone executes its standard attack , gain an additional standard attack for fire main and the clone has high chance of evading mystery.

Just in case anyone will ask this passive will not activate when fire main is controlled when at the start of round 4 or 7(same with lightning and water when they get controlled at their respective rounds)

Bez názvu

Passive 2:

Every round before an action , dispel all debuffs on self , immune to all debuffs till the end of round and increase ninjutsu by 20%.

Lightning Main

Passive 1:

At the beginning of round 1 , 4 and 7 , summons a clone with 45% hp and uses lightning assassination sword as its standard with higher chance of triggering High Float

Passive 2:

For every 1 point of chakra , increase attack by 2% and critical rate by 1%.

Wind Main

Passive 1:

At the beginning of battle , allows self and 1 random female ninja in lineup to be immune to all debuffs(immunity for wind main only cannot be dispelled) and gains a shield based on 40% resistance , last for 2 rounds.


Resets all cooldown for all ninjas in lineup except for self and dispels all debuffs. Additionally reduces mystery chakra cost by 20 , last till the end of next round.

Water Main


Deals water damage to selected unit , dispels all buffs , shield ,Suppress Super Armortill the end of next round and cause Highfloat

Passive 2:

At the beginning of round 1 and 5 ,summons a clone with 60% hp and uses the heal as standard , when the clone dies gain 30 chakra.

Passive 2:

This ninja has a very high chance of evading the first attack each round(was 2 rounds)

Earth Main

Passive 1

When receiving damage , increase 5% defense and resistance. (Was attack)

Breakthrought : When reveiving damage , increase 7% defense and resistance. (Was attack)

Passive 2

Immune to Low Float , High Float , RepulseandKnockdownand this ninja receives 50% additional shield amount when he gains a shield.

Passive 2:

At the beginning of battle , allows self and 1 random male ninja in lineup immune to Low Float , High Float , RepulseandKnockdown (Was immunity to debuffs)(cannot be dispelled) , also gains a shield based on 40% resistance , last for 3 rounds.

Other ninjas changes :

Bee 8 tails jinchuriki

Chase Y :Chase Knockdownunit , causeKnockdownandImmobile. When hp is higher than 80% , reduce own mystery cooldown by 1 round.

Chase Y+1:ChaseKnockdownunit , causeKnockdownandImmobile.When hp is higher than 60% , reduce own mystery cooldown by 1 round.

Edo Yagura

Mystery +2:

Deals unavoidable water damage to selected unit and recovers 65% of the damage caused as hp , also cause Low FloatandSuppress Super Armortill the end of round .Also cause 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from the selected unit.

Battlefield cooldown : 1 , Mystery cooldown : 3 , Chakra : 20

Mystery Y+1:

Deals unavoidable water damage to selected unit , cause Low FloatandSuppress Super Armortill the end of round .This skill will always cause critical damage and also cause 50% splash damage to units 1 grid away from the selected unit.

Edo Tobiramaadded chase mutation

Chase Y:

Triggered when 20 combos at least , deals 50% reduced damage to 2 units at random and cause Interruption , Tag

Chase Y+1:

Triggered when 20 combos at least , deals 50% reduced damage to 2 units at random and causeInterruptionandTagwhich cannot be removed or negated by immunity to debuffs , last till the end of next round.

Changes in Sage World Battlefield

When rage reaches lv3 or above (aka get killed 3x in a row), the next time when you revive will gain protection status for 15s and when its active only the one under protection can click to challenge the opponent but opponent cannot click to challenge you

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2020-04-06 11:04:50.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-18 18:22:59Show All Posts
  • momohiu On 2020-03-18 13:32:53
  • Does that mean wind main get permanent immunity or just for 2 round?

Its same passive for 2 rounds, the only change is, you can't Surprass that Immunity on Wind Main with like Kushina for example.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2020-03-18 18:24:16.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-18 20:20:09Show All Posts
  • ultrasadik On 2020-03-18 19:59:47
  • When Naruto sage of the six paths Skill breakthorught?

Hard to tell might be next week or next year

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-22 07:18:43Show All Posts
  • Archer Emiya On 2020-03-22 01:18:10
  • when would it take place?

Depends how "important" update it is, it was just added on CN, so if Tencent decide to put it next week on EN then it would be there, or probably in like 3-4 months.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-24 09:38:30Show All Posts
  • The Fourth On 2020-03-23 20:45:25
  • Lightning main nerf

    wait , what? just 1 clone? and without reduce CD?

You are talking about Skillbreakthrought passive which is not mentioned in that update but it should be included also but i have no further information about it.

This post was last edited by Huoying on 2020-03-24 09:38:57.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-03-26 10:36:17Show All Posts
  • The Fourth On 2020-03-23 20:45:25
  • Lightning main nerf

    wait , what? just 1 clone? and without reduce CD?

Looks like CN made an oopsie, now it will reduce cooldown :)

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