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[ Player Guide ] Mystery Usage Speed Factor Guide


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On 2016-09-21 05:29:54Show this Author Only
  • Jetfire2k On 2016-09-21 05:09:05
  • If that was the case,then no one would be able to beat trial 10-12 using only his main team (i beat trial 10-12 using only 4 ninjas,and they all have 3/4 hp left by the end of it),also if that was the case,then you would notice there's a severe hp cut to your team in trial,which doesn't really exist. So,in conclusion i can say that the equipment is not divided upon the ninjas

    P.S not arguing,but i didn't know how else 2 say it XD.
You have same exact amount of stats, they are just divided evenly to 4 ninjas, which is very bad because most people focus them, for example i have 1050 speed on my fastest guy and 650 on others, but in survival all 4 of my members will be 750 speed.

Actually you mentioned hp and that is how you can test this for yourself very easily. Take hats off 2 of your ninjas and notice your ninjas health, then enter survival and it will be very obvious.
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On 2016-09-21 05:35:03Show this Author Only
That's interesting, never realized what that is what they meant by splitting stats.

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On 2016-09-21 05:45:13Show this Author Only
  • Dym On 2016-09-21 05:29:54
  • You have same exact amount of stats, they are just divided evenly to 4 ninjas, which is very bad because most people focus them, for example i have 1050 speed on my fastest guy and 650 on others, but in survival all 4 of my members will be 750 speed.

    Actually you mentioned hp and that is how you can test this for yourself very easily. Take hats off 2 of your ninjas and notice your ninjas health, then enter survival and it will be very obvious.
You can check the hp using this method, bring 3 ninjas alongside ur main in a plot/elite instance mission,write down the hp of those 3 ninjas (individual hp). Bring those same 3 ninjas into survival and check the hp of them,if it's the same then the equipment isn't divided,if it isn't then equipment is divided as you say. Another method is, remove those 8 ninjas from ur team,and only have 4 instead of 12,check the hp,then add in 8 ninjas,and check if the hp changes.

Btw,equipment is divided upon your ninjas,but not the way u think it is. If you have 4 ninjas in your team they will use the equipment they have,but if one of those 4 ninjas die,when he's replaced with another ninja,that backup ninja will take up the dead ninja's equipment,giving him the same status boosts and refinement level.

This post was last edited by Jetfire2k at 2016-9-21 05:47
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On 2016-09-21 06:24:37Show this Author Only
I have already tested this long time ago, i am just telling you how it works, it adds all your stats up then gives 1/4 to each ninja, exactly the same how non-main ranked teams work.
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On 2016-09-21 10:56:22Show this Author Only
  • Kyutaru On 2016-09-20 10:56:46
  • Whoever had the higher initiative... they both are Move 1 so movement can't take precedence...
I know about initiative. When he chat on me then i check his stat, he is lower than me. He has 4-3-5-3-4 refine lv. Kiba has prompt mys but still lost about spd. Thats why i dont understand.
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On 2016-09-21 12:11:41Show this Author Only
  • Overmain On 2016-09-21 10:56:22
  • I know about initiative. When he chat on me then i check his stat, he is lower than me. He has 4-3-5-3-4 refine lv. Kiba has prompt mys but still lost about spd. Thats why i dont understand.
Battle armor also gives initiative.
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On 2016-10-02 00:53:24Show this Author Only
  • Kyutaru On 2016-09-21 12:11:41
  • Battle armor also gives initiative.
Fire main attack my sasuke 1st even hes 3rd position n ik sasuke doesnt have prompt @@
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On 2016-11-23 01:11:22Show this Author Only
There is 1 more thing not fully explained. As it was stated. Some mysteries are going later, like chiyo revive. If you read describtion of mystery most of them have word "prompt". It means the mystery will go before regular attacks. Some of them however doesn't have it and those skills replace standard attack instead. Barrier skills work like this for example.
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On 2016-12-08 20:13:36Show this Author Only
  • Jetfire2k On 2016-09-20 20:44:35
  • That's not possible,they either probably have higher initive or they have a lower move number,also there's no way to check the enemy's initive,so it's not a 100% chance for you to have higher initive,but i get what u mean by ''you have a higher initive'' if this helps,having clones around doesn't mess with the move number,the move number is pre-set before the battle starts according to your lineup.
Yes there is. Just pay attention who moves first with the standard attack in round 1.
If kiba attacked first, then he has higher init and his mistery will go first when round 2 comes. Otherwise it's vice-versa.This is how I decide who to immobilize/acupuncture in round 1, and also who to target in round 2 if I have a control combo.
This post was last edited by lex*** at 2016-12-8 20:15
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On 2016-12-08 20:35:47Show this Author Only
  • Jetfire2k On 2016-09-21 03:38:50
  • As Kyu said, there is a * ''feature'' that will take a while to explain,and rarely happens so i decided to keep it outside this guide,but if you want to know, when you activate a mystery there's a split second delay before it happens (not a literal split second but something close to that), so if your enemy uses mystery at the start of the round,and it's been a while since he issued it (meaning he used the chakra but it hasn't activated yet) and then you just decide to use another mystery after waiting for a while,the mystery you activated first will go first. If you don't understand what i'm saying then just don't be slow in clicking,not telling you to spam your keyboard with *on mashing but don't decide what mystery to activate very lately.
I spam the keyboard with mashing as soon as I the number go down on mistery cooldown.
Also this is one my strategies: I hit the sage naruto mistery who is in move 2, he does the passive giving 20 chakra, then I spam the Tobi mistery which is in move 1.
It's very rare times when you don't spam, usually if you know they have higher init then you.
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On 2016-12-08 20:45:55Show this Author Only
  • On 2016-09-21 01:50:06
  • question, why does sasuke kirins cast first than hinatas myster?, sasuke is at the back, hinata in front, initiative for hinata is much higher. so why?
attack type mystery must go on first than defensive type mystery. Sasuke Got promt mystery when he activated His barrier skill
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On 2017-01-20 20:40:58Show this Author Only
okay, so any1 knows how auto mode works? im using lightning main and sasuke 3* in team. 1st round sasuke goes in with his barrier which is obvious. But why does he use his mystery before my main when both of those mysteries are prompt, main is on move 1, while sasuke is on move 4, and main does way more damage. It used to work the other way but it changed yesterday for like no reason, i also checked their iniviative and all the other stuff and nothing seems to work :( halp
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