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[ Updates ] Cross Server Events


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 13
  • Posts: 2146
On 2020-03-13 13:29:23Show All PostsDescending Order
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Dear Players,

During next weeks maintenance, the following servers will be given access to cross server events:

NY Servers:

S1406, S1410, S1414, S1418, S1422, S1426, S1430, S1434.

LA Servers:

S1403, S1407, S1411, S1415, S1419, S1423.

UK Servers:

S1408, S1412, S1416, S1420, S1424, S1428, S1432, S1436.

HK Servers:

S1409, S1413, S1417, S1421, S1425, S1429, S1433, S1437.

We are sorry for the delay for these servers, and for any inconvenience this has caused the players.

To help with adding servers to cross server events, you can inform us either by responding to this post, or by messaging me here on the forums.

If you have not received cross server events yet, and are over the required 60 days of age, please provide us with your server number, and when your server opened (if known). Server opening date can be found in the forum post.

Please follow the following format:

Servers: S599 - Breeze Dancer

Server Opening Date: 17 May 2017

This post was last edited by tylermotoki on 2020-03-13 13:29:23.
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