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[ Events ] Event Cycle - March 5th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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  • Posts: 46
On 2020-03-05 11:30:26Show All Posts
  • moisturizer On 2020-03-05 03:40:39
  • if i recharge on a level 25 account , will i be able to get something out of lvl30 recharge events when i hit lvl 30 tomorrow ?

No it starts counting when you can access the event in this case at lvl 30. They would have to add a new background counter for that and that isn't really a priority for early game players. Unfortuantly between the effort of adding such a feature and how niche the benefit is it may never happen. (that and having access to the event is technically a reward for your effort which gives you an additional benefit for effort/recharge)

That aside I don't get the Mei hate, is this because of the overwatch character? cuz this was totally expected since fireworks primarily has dealt with event nin freebies. I for one know that it will in no way negatively impact our clusters race to 4k day 1, etc. and I doubt any ninja will really cause a boycott of the event except suit sasuke, or one of the cat ninja.

This post was last edited by .Reagan. on 2020-03-05 11:32:34.
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