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No BT for naruto 6p? seriously?


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-02-16 03:45:43Show All Posts
  • Reaperboy On 2020-02-16 03:15:36
  • And to add another point on this, OASIS seems to release BT one by one, and whether you like it or not you have to get the BT of the particular strong ninja that appears otherwise you fall behind.

    You have NO freedom of choice and end up wasting resources on a ninja you don't like just so you don't quit the game because you lose most of the time.

    To make this a "Fair Game" they should release more or all of the BT's of strong ninjas already in the game at once, so we can make more creative teams and choose the ninja that we like, that also makes the game more fun than playing with the same copy team and the same lame ninjas that you don't like anything about.

    You think it's Character Design is lame, it's animations are lame, you hate the play style, but you still play because you have no choice.

Of course there is always a choice regarding teams. You don't see me running SB EFG Kakuzu, despite being able to. You don't see me running SB Minato, despite being able to. I run Edo Madara, Edo Itachi, SoSP and EM. It's a solid line up that deals with heavy Nin teams like EFG Kakuzu, It c*so deal with Kushina teams, it just doesn't work too well against heavy Tai teams, but every team has a weakness, as long as I keep absorbing chakra most teams just fall short. Alternatively, I can run my SB Minato, SB Kushina, SB Killer Bee with Minato Bond Mystery, which is also just really fun.

You don't need Breaks to make good teams, just need to have an idea, try it out, and if it works, you'd be surprised.

Quicky Post

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