Hey guys!
Depends on team, mostly better to use Y one in general although it's 4 rounds cooldown
Just a nice addition for standards
Good addition if you are planning to use Wind units but using this means no chaos bonus
Damage upgrade
Also highly depends on team, if you need chakra then +2 could be good
But otherwise some extra damage with Y is welcome
For breakthrough priority:
Mystery > Passive 2 > Standard > Chase > Passive 1 (depends on team)
1. Earth Main
Classic team, Danzo instead of Shisui
2. Earth Main 2
Edo Hiruzen me
He can bring a nice chase and mystery to the team
3. Wind Main
This is a troll team, with tons of immobile - chaoses and immunity removal
4. Lightning Main
A very f2p friendly old school blitz team
Very weak vs buff removals
5. Lightning Main 2
A new style blitz team
Very strong vs buff removal but weak vs movement restriction debuffs
6. Lightning Main 3
Another older-style blitz team but this team Danzo can actually buff Kushimaru with Y barrier passive
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