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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2020-01-23 17:55:12Show All Posts

It's all up on how old is yout server and since how long you play.

Mine was yet 5* 2 years ago fully for free and if i didn't sell many of his frags to further refinements now would easily be full broken for free too.

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2020-01-24 18:05:24Show All Posts
  • mamaflex On 2020-01-23 22:46:20
  • man, newbie players can get him, cuz he's not appearing in events.

    u know he's very very useful for teams, but there's only 2 ways to get him

    1. 100$ in new server event.

    2. fragments refinement but need long time.

    there's not any way except if they'll add him in events.

When i began to play there was the rush to level up the soonest possible because there was no reason to keep low your level, and one of the best way to get exp was the nine tails battle.

At that time getting iruka asap and make him 5* meant to land more damage to the wb and so to level up faster.

What i mean is that if you go in strategy section and you go back to 3 years ago you'll find a ton of guides that explain you how to do it.

Do you want to get iruka soon and skillbreak him?

Begin to max your naruto/sasuke/sakura/hinata (so buy the eventual frags in collection scrolls and also sweep their elite instances 3x every day).

Every fragment of them you sell are 10 points.

It's very easy to get 400/500 points a day just by doing so (and basically get 10 frags of him per week for free) and the longer you'll play the higher the amount of 5* ninjas you'll own whose fragments you'll begin to sell.

But if you want him instantly by wasting coupons/ingots on something you'll get for free later, don't worry, oasis will please you.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2020-01-24 18:13:33.
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