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[ Help ] need help in power and team building


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 16
  • Posts: 651
On 2020-01-24 13:18:37Show All Posts

You have a generally decent lineup and can make some good teams. In terms of power, just gather all the resources you can. If you're going to * with jonin Minato, get that bond mystery asap. Then,

Focus on getting 1050 cave keys with every for every rebate. After that get medium refines for 500 rebate event. After you don't need medium refines for every position but your last, start going for myoboku items. That should last you quite a bit in the moon coin shop. Sun coin shop, get advanced refines and sun scrolls and elemental scrolls.

Ninjas, kushina, kakuzu, and edo minato. Stack coupons until you can max out a fuku deals and get them. Use seal scrolls on the gnw treasure for madara and temporary treasures to get edo hashirama fragments and edo roshi.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
  • Topics: 16
  • Posts: 651
On 2020-01-24 13:19:22Show All Posts

Really, it censored *.... St!ck

Quicky Post

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