Views: 21064 | Replies: 38
We want BP and not Lvl ba<x>sed PvP events!


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2020-01-14 13:11:41Show All Posts
  • DemoNLogiC On 2020-01-14 03:05:34
  • Lazy people who can't do a better job probably to change something xD

I genuinely believe the dude's a troll. Either that, or a miserable individual that shouldn't be given any attention. Their opinions aren't worth listening to because they don't hold anything of value.

As for the topic of this thread, I agree. I remember maybe a year ago I could get two matches in a row that had a BP similar to mine, but now I'm getting BPs that are 100K higher right off the bat. You'd think that if I entered during the middle of it, I'd get at least one player with a similar BP to me, but no, and it's because they're matching me up with P2Wers that are Lvl 100+ (I'm LVL 104 as I write this). I got to this level through playing each day, never spent much in the past and I don't plan on spending anymore in the future. The fact that there are certain achievements tied to getting wins (or sweeping everything in Matsuri) that are tied to the Season system makes it even more important that this is fixed.

I don't feel the compulsion to spend just because I'm getting my ass kicked in Matsuri, so that'd be a dumb reason to not change it. If anything, giving F2Pers that measly chance of getting more than two wins every time Matsuri rolls around on Mondays and Fridays would at least improve morale for those of us that have become disillusioned with ever getting ANYTHING out of these weekly events because we're not shilling for the newest ninjas.

Quicky Post

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