Hi there
Let's talk more, about all the debuffs, and effects.
For the infomation of the old debuffs, i'll be taking them fromXerneis’ posthere. Credits for the man. It must have taken him quite a lot of time.
Here is the full do(c)ument, that I've made. This thread is only a short showcase of the headlines of the do(c)ument.
Everything you need to know, including the new Debuff Corrosion
Here's what in the do(c)ument:
Control Rate Formula
Round Counting
Debuffs Cleared by Priority
Debuffs Ranked by Level
Splash's Mechanic
Explosive Mode Desc
Miscellaneous Desc
Hopefully this can help everyone.
If you need to ask anything, comment or DM me on discord at YujinTakara#9394 on the game's official discord.
_Yujin Takara_
Jan 10th 2020 - updated on Jun 19th 2021
Amazing work, what's most important is some of those new debuffs like Weaken and Interrogate because many players still don't know what they do
Was talking with Huoying about needing to do this kind of thread soon but you beat me to it
I will pin this thread so more people can see it
I was just a bit triggered when ppl thinking and talking and arguing about a wrong info... that's why I extend my project from debuff priority testing to a full debuff guide...
and I need to finish my Debuff clear priority board i made last year (which isn't even finished yet), can't abbandoned it.... so it's like killing 2 birds with 1 stone... a guide + a board
Thanks for the guide, good work.
I've got a question about scaling. Can it be reset with an ability that decreases stats (not a debuff like enfeeble, just a decrease)? For example:
Kushina scales her resistance up a couple times. Then the opponent team's Itachi [shonen] before his first action decreases her resistance by 10% with his passive. What happens? Is Kushina's scaling reset and now she has -10% resistance or do the percentages add up together?
And one more thing to clarify - the stats decrease effect ignores immunity to debuffs, correct?
it doesnt reset, the percentage just adds up. because stats reduce only lasts for 3 rounds while scaling lasts till the whole battle.
Also stat reduce DOES affects units with immunity to debuffs
Immune to Interruption protects from attacks (mysteries, chases, standard) that cause interruption in addition to their damage. Debuffs that cause mysteries to be unable to execute (immobile, sleep, etc), will still cause the mystery to be "cancelled", which in effect interrupts it. Even if that debuff is reflected.
Acupunture, immobile, dream, sleep, torture, chaos and death (ofcourse) will stop the unit from moving, thus stopping the mystery execution even if that unit has Immunity to interruption.
However, if the debuff is reflected, or control failed, the ninja having Immune to Interruption status will still execute the mystery if there's no further control attempts. Eg: Edo Nagato breakthrough.
There is something i don't get yet. When a ninja scales (for example, Kushina Red Hot Blood) , it does scale with ba
she only scales by the ba
If Sasuke Rinnesharingan's bt can paralyse an cause fear, does that mean the unit under these effects lost their immunity to debuff?
I did say, I will not cover China-version only debuffs... when they come to our version, I'll update...
but ofcourse to answer you, they will not lose Immunity to Debuffs...
Just wanting to ask about your testing to determine the debuff scalar limit of 6, since such info if accurate does have a huge value on how valuable such aspects are for units. As an example edo minato's cap would be 48% def, good but bit less scary, while jin bee 72% to both would be pretty big and gamikiri's 120% to res would be a even more a must have.
if you breakdown their skillset and usage, you'll see it's totally balanced.
Edo Minato reduce Def by 8% per time hit. But also, he scale himself every chase. Combine that with the amount of units hit by his mystery (12 at +2 and 8 at Y+1). Also he causes Tag too. And remember this, pure Tai or pure Nin damage will deal more than Tai/Nin damage, because Tai/Nin got affected by both Def and Res, while pure damage only got affected by one stat.
Bee 8 tails reduce Def and Res by 12%. He scale himself every round (not chase, which is a bit lacking in scale power since Edo Minato can scale 2x if you use +2 chase). Combine that with the amount of units hit by his mystery (9 at +2 and 7 at Y+1). Also he doesn't cause Tag.
Gamariki, reduce Res only by 20%, so only benefit Ninjutsu users. He won't benefit Ronin Naruto or Edo Minato more than Kakuzu or Konan Angel. Also Gamariki only hit 3 random unit, not when being hit, so the chance of activating the stat reduction is lower than Edo Minato or Bee.
Waiting for Round counting part, cause so far for me it looks random how long some debuffs (Paralysis, Immobile, Sleep) last. Example: I was doing Wanted yesterday, fought Kabuto team. My Fire Main uses Feather jutsu ultimate, puts Kabuto and Zaku to sleep as last action (Oboro clone was present). Round ends, Zaku is asleep, but Kabuto immediately recovered.
regard of Wanted Mission... i remember Kabuto having Immunity, so that's why he recover (if you use sealing mys on him).
if not, there's another explanation... if you pay attention closely, Kabuto does standard last in their team... so you sleep him before he does standard. So ofcourse next round he'll be awake. .
Thanks for round counting part. Still, I feel cheated by game on Arena today... I have Summer Kurenai, I applied her Mystery on Edo Minato. Round 1, after his standard (I needed to wait till my other character, GNW Choji, triggers his dodge). Round 2 starts, Minato immediately recovers from Immobile. The same with Six Paths Naruto, but when I am using it against Habanero Kushina, it works as it should, she is locked down untill beginning of round 3. So why it doesn't work on Edo Minato and 6p Naruto?
check if the enemy has any soft of healing or debuff removal (a simple gakido or mirror mys can do the trick)..
because Kurenai Summer causes Immobile, not Torture like Ibiki. so the debuff is easier to be cleared with just a Katsuyu summon mystery, healing of azure fang or mirror mys of scarlet blaze, while Torture needs 20 chakra or above to be cleansed.
if the enemy team doesnt have any debuff cleanse or whatever sort, and edo minato/nar6 still recovers at round 2, you might need to take a screenshot and send to customer survice as a bug, because whenever i use her, edo minato or anyone will get Immobiled till round 3 if they dont have any healing whatsoever.
I think there are 2 types of immunity. One is what u get with Roshi, or Kushina Red that is immunity to debuffs which is gained every round. So you cant cc them past one round. And the other is what u get with Edo minato or Itachi ssn, they are immune to all debuffs. Which means they can be cc using suppress immunity + cc skills which last more than one round. This should be mentioned here.
roshi and kushina have natural immunity same as edo minato or itachi susano'o, not gained every round...
the controlling on all of them will work the same...
the translation of some of the skills ingame are quite wrong... please check throughly
You were right. Its the same type of immunity. I had this misunderstanding because i saw the fire main cc skill + edo itachi sleep + madara barrier effect on my edo minato. I saw him sleep for 2 rounds. And simply assumed that "immune to all debuff" is different and can be controlled. I tried it today with kushina and she also got controlled. I can only conclude that it has to do with the chakra not being above 40 at the end of r1 that causes them to not regain their immunity but I can't confirm, that, that's what causing it. It might be the madara barrier itself.
yes you are correct... the problem is the dream effect needs 30 chakra to be cleared...
i already wrote that part in Round counting... you can check my examples in there again to clarified yourself.
Where did you get the control formula from? because it seems very wrong just looking at it
the formula is from cn version's update in March 2019... our version apply that formula since Nov 2019
when i first test i saw it quite weird, but then after like 5000-7000 times testing, the rate is actually correct.
I got 2 important questions...
1- by having Edo Nagato BT skill of while having a shield any rinneg*er its inmune, will getting hit by dream will make the target suffer the debuff? or ignore it? since nagato skill only gives inmunity if you have a shield on.EG: rinnesharingan sasuke having the shield on and getting hit with dream.
2-can a reflect skill reflect dream debuff?
1. on this case, Itachi [Edo] first clears sasuke's buffs and shields and then apply the Dream debuff. so yes sasuke will be controlled.
2. Dream isn't an Irremovable debuff, so it can be reflected.
Interesting, so according to this formula should be 0% to fail control if both have the same amount. But for example in arena or zenith where both parties should have same control, control fail happes quite a lot. Also am pretty sure i recently failed 21k vs 17k control as well in space time. So i think there is some set control fail chance and it's not 0%,
in arena type fights, the control rate is at default at 91,1% chance.
regardless of your spacetime fight, i still havent seen any scenerioes like that yet, as my tests were 100% when i tested a total of~500 times, and in my PvP fights there's nothing wrong yet.
What about Explosive and Excited buffs. I get confused for certain ninjas like sasuke rinnesharingan and shisui susanoo about what explosive mode does
go to the ninja tab, hover on the ninja you want to see.
Beside the ninja's skill desc
so just hover on sasuke rin and kakashi summer and u'd be able to read the effect.
as for the details, if i ever put the desc
i just see them as "stat that change after a condition is met" (like after mystery, or at the beginning of the even round). So i catagorize them as "stat increased by conditions"
good job ! now Death possession ?
i already update it in the doc. file. there's a li
the thread has word count restrictions so i cant write anymore
where is undead possession debuff from kabuto halloween ?
check the doc. i give a li
Interesting, so according to this formula should be 0% to fail control if both have the same amount. But for example in arena or zenith where both parties should have same control, control fail happes quite a lot. Also am pretty sure i recently failed 21k vs 17k control as well in space time. So i think there is some set control fail chance and it's not 0%,
in all arena modes, the control chance is 91.1% and cannot be changed.
in my formula, im talking about real pvp with real stat.
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