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[ Events ] Lucky stars Wheel drop rates


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-12-27 07:52:58Show All Posts

Don't bother spinning for the jackpot or even the naruto frags. The rates are horrible by design and until they let us know the exact drop rates (you should consider why they REFUSE to release the drop rates even though China already passed the law that forces them to). The wheel isn't bad if you need something in the redeems and you get potions along the way.

As for the jackpot prize, just go with this rule of thumb: All jackpot prizes are 1% drop rate or less.

Not saying this is the case as we don't know, but its an extremely low chance. Go with this mentality and you will never have the mentality of trying to "win it big" Also don't fall for the, "If you spend 20,000 coupons on it, you have a better chance. No you don't, that isn't how odds work. Every time you spin, you have that LOW LOW LOW PERCENT CHANCE. It the odds don't increase because you do more spins. if you have a 1 in 10000 chance, you can spin 10000 times and still not get it. This isn't a slot machine with payout odds, its just a flash game wheel.

This post was last edited by Shyuko on 2019-12-27 07:59:58.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-12-27 17:47:26Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-27 08:37:44
  • There is a reason drop chances aren't publicly known. If people knew the drop rates for some of these RNG events they wouldn't spend on them. You would think people wouldn't spend period without knowing the drop chance, but I guess not. If I had to guess it's below 0.01% chance. Could be higher, but no one outside the mod/dev team knows. I'm still curious as to how many can times people can get his frags in a day. Never seen more than one person hit the jackpot in a day in lucky wheel. I would never recommend spending ingots/coupons on these type of events unless you are going for one of the redemption items/fuku deals.

On my server (3, 5, 9 cluster) not a single person has gotten him, and its not for lack of trying. I've even witnessed people logging in their alts and throwing all coupons at it. The result?

Naruto frags: 3 TOTAL

Obito: 0

Yeah, this wheel "rng" is horrid

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