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[ Events ] Events Cycle - December 26th


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-12-26 21:02:03Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2019-12-26 10:35:39
  • We can add back the 100 ingots option if you guys are interested in this but not this event cycle, it is too late for that now.


    As for the Bond scrolls, we could possibly check the idea of adding them to the events as redeemable items.

I (and majority of the players) think increasing sun/moon scroll cap would be the better solution. We would gain more freedom in governing our resources. Whether bond scrolls will be added as redeemable items that will still leave us needing bells and chimes. And no matter how much cp/ingot resources we have, no matter how much we recharge, we wont decide to redeem bells and bond scrolls, simply because there are more important and efficient power functions. Sincerely please, consider increasing limits on sun and moon coins instead :-)

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2019-12-26 21:02:45.
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