I'm not completely against the 40 frag standard if it were useful ninja like Germany got (AGK has her uses not a bad ninja). They got 40 frags of Five Kage Summit Madara (think he is like 15k-17k), which most people would gladly take. I just think this time around we should've got 80 frags of AGK considering her age and price. She is like 11k-12k now and if you split that in half it's 5.5k-6k. We got 80 frags Shisui which he is hovering around 10k-12k (maybe get him cheaper in certain events). He's pretty much the same price as AGK yet we only get 40 of her frags, which doesn't make sense to me. I'll gladly take it, but I do hope to see them add useful ninja around the price range of 14k-17k.
I wouldn't mind 40 frags of these ninja:
Susanoo Kakashi
Edo Hiruzen
Edo Itachi
Edo Tobirama
EGF Kakuzu
Eight Tails Killer Bee
Five Kage Summit Madara
Rinne Sasuke
Probably some others I am forgetting, but I would be ok with those and probably some others. I just wish the there was more communication between the devs and the playerba
First of all neither am i here to disrespect with you nor do i want to start a abusive argument. All i will do i share some facts so read carefully.
"She is like 11k-12k now and if you split that in half it's 5.5k-6k. We got 80 frags Shisui which he is hovering around 10k-12k (maybe get him cheaper in certain events). He's pretty much the same price as AGK yet we only get 40 of her frags"
If you say she is 10-12 k please show some prove, stop creating misunderstanding among new players with your self imagined prices or the prices you want a ninja to be at. In her last event she was 13.5k but since we did not had shisui in that event cycle it cant be a fair comparison. So here are prices of event cycle 10/17. That is the only latest event where i could find shisui https://forum-narutoen.oasgames.com/page/show-post-43655-1.html
with konon costing over 15k and shisui 10k. And another fact to note is that since shisui came out with*80 there are high chance that he will devalue and will appear less in events, while konon will still maintain her price if not increase.
Still half frags of konon cost 7.5k while we got 10k worth last month so its definitely a decrease. But those 10k was for quite less part of community because shisui was way more common between players compared to konon. Before gaara he was also a good team mate for naruto 6 paths. But less than half of players even in older servers had konon. So more players got some ninja worth. But i feel like you already had had thats why you are against her or you wanted 80 for easy 4*
Coming to your ninja list all. You have only written ninjas you donot have because most of them donot make any sense. Rinne sasuke? very less players like him and that character is useless for the most part. Edo hiruzen only helpful for training ground or sage in case you are among top whales of space time other than that hes useful if you have all other edo kages so you can get that minato barrier(hiruzen do have a good buff but still hes not a popular support, very rarely used for buff only). Edo tobi pretty much same story as edo hiruzen. Edo itachi is a me
AGK went down in prices last week, in which she averaged 10k-12k. The event you posted was 2 months ago and prices can change dramatically in that time frame. Also the ninja I listed were just some ninja that costed more than 12k and have some use (only Itachi and EGK are me
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