But it is not for sounding ungrateful for the 40 fragments, but if they have not already been giving away 80 fragments of shisui, sakura Christmas karin Christmas and others, why do they give us only 40 fragments of it ?, or why they did not put another ninja?
why are you comparing sakura, karin or even shisui with konon. Isnt it better to have half frags of a usefull ninja then 80 of a ninja you are not ever gonna use
I got 4* Teisho Konan for 10k (Fuku deal at spring, 20 frags in events for free and fireworks) ... to me, she is better in 1v1 situations as she is more flexible with offense / defense mystery and chakra battery...
AoG Konan is much better when it comes to 2v2 or 3v3 situations, hands down... she hits like a truck at more teams.
People are crying when they get a "weak" ninja... but smart players c*e them... and it works... then Oasis gives us good ninjas... and people cry that they spent coupons on getting them and then we get it for free (like Shisui) ... So Oasis gives us free good 1/2 ninja... (40 frags if someone wanna ask) ... and guess what... people are crying again...
WTH guys! we got 40 fragments for free... thats 10k coupons saved! or if you wanna go to extreme... thats at least 30 weeks of getting free fragments... more than a half year...
I´m glad for it... as I welcome the 40k Fukus... you wanna spend 20k? sure get a ninja and whatever you want...
you dont like the events... save up... get 40k and get 2 ninjas and much more things you want... no problem...
I feel this community is simply too toxic... what a shame...
I got 4* Teisho Konan for 10k (Fuku deal at spring, 20 frags in events for free and fireworks) ... to me, she is better in 1v1 situations as she is more flexible with offense / defense mystery and chakra battery...
AoG Konan is much better when it comes to 2v2 or 3v3 situations, hands down... she hits like a truck at more teams.
People are crying when they get a "weak" ninja... but smart players c*e them... and it works... then Oasis gives us good ninjas... and people cry that they spent coupons on getting them and then we get it for free (like Shisui) ... So Oasis gives us free good 1/2 ninja... (40 frags if someone wanna ask) ... and guess what... people are crying again...
WTH guys! we got 40 fragments for free... thats 10k coupons saved! or if you wanna go to extreme... thats at least 30 weeks of getting free fragments... more than a half year...
I´m glad for it... as I welcome the 40k Fukus... you wanna spend 20k? sure get a ninja and whatever you want...
you dont like the events... save up... get 40k and get 2 ninjas and much more things you want... no problem...
I feel this community is simply too toxic... what a shame...
And now because of such reaction from noobs i am expecting that oasis will once again start drooping useless ninjas which one will never use. I was finally happy that the frags we are getting are atleast useful frags even if they are less (and they should be half because they are worth) and expected that it will continue but noobs will keep crying
And now because of such reaction from noobs i am expecting that oasis will once again start drooping useless ninjas which one will never use. I was finally happy that the frags we are getting are atleast useful frags even if they are less (and they should be half because they are worth) and expected that it will continue but noobs will keep crying
I honestly expect them to give you a temp ban from the forums due to name calling and just being a * off. People expressing their concerns about a change in an event that has always remained a consistent way in the past is valid, regardless of what you agree with or not. SOMETIMES it helps and they listen, sometimes it doesn't. Lately Oasis has seem to at least pay attention more so now than before. Criticism is good, but people like you seem to think that criticizing those with valid points or complaints is better.
Personally, Shisui and AGKonan are in the same category: Situational ninjas that are no longer me
It is the same pattern as before: 3v3? I remember getting 100 frags of Chiriku, 100 frags of Edo Hanzo. Then MORE Chiriku to where everyone could almost 5 star him. Then slowly, they started giving other "event" ninjas...but at 80 frags....so if you missed a day, you were SOL. THEN they started giving 70......now it looks like it will be 65 or 60 even. See the pattern? Do you call these ninjas "GAME BREAKING" or value them like Shisui? Naw mate, you don't.
That isn't the only example: Great plates was FRIGGIN AWESOME when it first came back and for 3 times straight....then suddenly, it started getting more and more lack luster....until this last one where it was almost good again.
So please, spare the insults....when events start appearing to get nerfed because they seem too good, people .... the players that this company depend on have a right to express it without people like you.
inb4 attacks
Madara and obito jinchu are not me
You are trying to use a false equivalency to justify your argument for 40 Konan frags is fair. It isn't. This isn't about value, but the event and it's rewards. They demonstrated already that Shisui can be given for free, I see no reason that they couldn't do the same for Konan at this point.
AGKonan is me
By your same failing logic, I could argue that we should get 20 Ronin Naruto Frags....or even 10 for the whole event....because...ya know...he is me
If that is the case, why not just put optional boxes in there and let players choose their own adventure? That would solve more problems
You are trying to use a false equivalency to justify your argument for 40 Konan frags is fair. It isn't. This isn't about value, but the event and it's rewards. They demonstrated already that Shisui can be given for free, I see no reason that they couldn't do the same for Konan at this point.
AGKonan is me
By your same failing logic, I could argue that we should get 20 Ronin Naruto Frags....or even 10 for the whole event....because...ya know...he is me
If that is the case, why not just put optional boxes in there and let players choose their own adventure? That would solve more problems
Well donot have enough time to read out all the nonsense you wrote because i know all you wrote was lame sry your mission wasted. In short 40 konon worth more than sakura summer, karin summer and shisui
I think it should be possible to get Konan Angel as a whole in the event. People are already getting Shisui Kimono in my server which leaves others at a giant disadvantage, not just me. And even so, Konan still doesn't seem like a counter to Shisui or even as a ninja that can be properly utilized by everyone because of how specific her fighting style is. Nonetheless, it would still help to have her as a whole, not just half that may not even get completed. I'd say it would be a good move to do something so players can actually recruit her.
I honestly expect them to give you a temp ban from the forums due to name calling and just being a * off. People expressing their concerns about a change in an event that has always remained a consistent way in the past is valid, regardless of what you agree with or not. SOMETIMES it helps and they listen, sometimes it doesn't. Lately Oasis has seem to at least pay attention more so now than before. Criticism is good, but people like you seem to think that criticizing those with valid points or complaints is better.
Personally, Shisui and AGKonan are in the same category: Situational ninjas that are no longer me
It is the same pattern as before: 3v3? I remember getting 100 frags of Chiriku, 100 frags of Edo Hanzo. Then MORE Chiriku to where everyone could almost 5 star him. Then slowly, they started giving other "event" ninjas...but at 80 frags....so if you missed a day, you were SOL. THEN they started giving 70......now it looks like it will be 65 or 60 even. See the pattern? Do you call these ninjas "GAME BREAKING" or value them like Shisui? Naw mate, you don't.
That isn't the only example: Great plates was FRIGGIN AWESOME when it first came back and for 3 times straight....then suddenly, it started getting more and more lack luster....until this last one where it was almost good again.
So please, spare the insults....when events start appearing to get nerfed because they seem too good, people .... the players that this company depend on have a right to express it without people like you.
inb4 attacks
My overall pov is that any argument to nerf any event or fragment count should be discouraged and discouraged hard. There are very very very few events worth doing due to how long it takes to generate enough ninja fragments or equipment pieces to matter progress-wise. This, especially after level 80 and after certain equipment levels.
I've been playing this game for over a year now and seen people who left the game come back and play more when they know they can get a full ninja (3v3s, fireworks, and welfare at one point). When they realize they can't get the full ninja or close to finishing them, you won't see them play for a really long time. The grind in some regard is super long and for them really not worth the time and effort. Frankly, even I stopped doing certain events and hot topic missions because of this.
There is no logical reason to support nerfing esp in the NA version of the game because our version is already incredibly expensive, way too gatey and grindy. 40 fragments or incomplete ninjas are incredibly useless for the vast amount of players out here. If you support the decision of reduced fragment counts for whatever reason, fine, but realize that our version of the game is already super expensive so we can't afford that pov anyway.
You can easily get the rest of the frags from events...her frags are somewhat cheaper now with monthly cards...I mean paying a little to something you enjoy doesn't hurt right.? When shisui came last time...bunch of people were crying about giving 80 frags ...if enough whales said they were wrong...again community has to look at themselves if they want to blame anyone.Just saying...
My overall pov is that any argument to nerf any event or fragment count should be discouraged and discouraged hard. There are very very very few events worth doing due to how long it takes to generate enough ninja fragments or equipment pieces to matter progress-wise. This, especially after level 80 and after certain equipment levels.
I've been playing this game for over a year now and seen people who left the game come back and play more when they know they can get a full ninja (3v3s, fireworks, and welfare at one point). When they realize they can't get the full ninja or close to finishing them, you won't see them play for a really long time. The grind in some regard is super long and for them really not worth the time and effort. Frankly, even I stopped doing certain events and hot topic missions because of this.
There is no logical reason to support nerfing esp in the NA version of the game because our version is already incredibly expensive, way too gatey and grindy. 40 fragments or incomplete ninjas are incredibly useless for the vast amount of players out here. If you support the decision of reduced fragment counts for whatever reason, fine, but realize that our version of the game is already super expensive so we can't afford that pov anyway.
nerf? ok shifting from sakura, and karin summer to konon was a nerf...
People (whales mostly) was complaining how it is ufair to give 80 frags of AGK because they bought her already with coupons/ingots; and after 3 years(im playing this game maybe a 3 moths) u cant see this game is mostly a unfair gamble game.Who cares if u spended ingots/coupons on AGK its a GAMBLE.
+if people spend on AGK they could easilly make her 4 star atleast doesnt matter;so mostly everybody wins.
only downside is that there will be alot newbs spamming AGK in their team,then again Oasis shouldnt put AGK in fireworks event(41frags) than insted put some 584x time some pink sakura in monthly log in and fireworks
Well donot have enough time to read out all the nonsense you wrote because i know all you wrote was lame sry your mission wasted. In short 40 konon worth more than sakura summer, karin summer and shisui
So basically what you are saying is, you have no re*al and, as I predicted, will just try and * it off. Bravo!
Protip: This doesn't make you sound witty nor smart. Thought you should know.
So basically what you are saying is, you have no re*al and, as I predicted, will just try and * it off. Bravo!
Protip: This doesn't make you sound witty nor smart. Thought you should know.
But you know what you do sound idiot. Do not cry if someone does not care about what ever crap you write. Greedy noob never happy with what ever they give. You do not have guts to appreciate any good move by oasis. Just crying because you could not get her in first place or get her to 4* for free right?
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