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[ Events ] Konan Angel 80 frags free ?


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On 2019-12-12 10:10:25Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-12 10:01:15
  • Shisui in my opinion is much better than AGK and we got 80 of his frags. AGK has more damage output with very few teams she works well with. Shisui has barrier/buff ninja with control and works with many teams. Not trying to sound ungrateful I will happily take the 40 frags. Just doesn't make sense why only 40 frags.

shisui has lost its worth and even if you spend he costs hardly 10k while konon 16 to 20k. Shisui does not fits any where in meta and neither is he a really good one for ninja exam. While konon makes a really good team with kakuzu and also good at exams. Shisui is only helpfull to new players and yeah for them more helpfull than konon because konon needs a good team around. Comparison is bit similar to minato and 6 paths naruto. And when konon gets a good team(kakuzu mainly or kage gaara or kisame) she is really strong. Plus she is still used in en and cn at high powers but shisui is not. So ofcourse 80 of konon would have been too much if we remember we also used to get sakura

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-12 10:11:26.
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On 2019-12-12 11:12:20Show All Posts
  • Danzō On 2019-12-12 10:33:54
  • Tell that to the lower f2ps who use still use shisui with anbu itachi teams. At that range of players, yeah shisui is good since they don't have a lot of options. However, its been two years since his release and he's out of the overall meta. Konan is also out of the overall meta but due to kakuzu sb, she can be a support rather than being the main hitter.

lol i did not get what you meant to explain me because i already told that shisui is good for lower player and konon is in meta because of kakazu. And just a correction she is also sometimes used as p1 in pvp but in ninja exam(in general) she is way better as p1 then kakuzu p1. Also before kakuzu and kushina st she was (and still is) one of best counters for 6 paths naruto because of high mystery damage only issue was standard dodge and now with kakuzu thats no issue. Overall point is she is worth more then shisui after all

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On 2019-12-12 11:49:00Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-12 11:42:30
  • AGK was 10k-12k (same price as Shusui) in last weeks event. She is no where near worth 16k-20k


yeah that was for first time ever still its almost 13.5k. And shisui is 8 to 10k

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On 2019-12-12 13:00:51Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-12 12:49:45
  • I just don't understand why you are arguing that 40 frags is better then 80 frags. If you have her you will only need 20 more for 4 star. She will probably get skillbreaks in the future. It's a win win for both players who have her and those who don't. She isn't meta even with EGF. Konan Kimino is a much better support and she was free. There is no downside to getting 80 frags of AGK.

Madara and obito jinchu are not meta, so oasis should give us 80 frags of each in firework event. Its simple there is a value for a ninja, if ninja just falls bit out of meta (not totally out) does not means it should be given for free. Additionally she is still a meta for 3v3 arena, ninja exam and even to some extend in arena. Is shisui, konon kimono good for ninja exam or 3v3? NO. Yeah there is down side of giving away 80 frags, ninja is being devalued because of previous rewards in this event, you are putting her on same value as sakura christmas, shisui and many other weak ninjas previously given in this event

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-12 13:02:09.
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On 2019-12-12 13:29:40Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-12 13:10:32
  • There is no point in even responding this. It's people like you who make Oasis think this game is in a good state. You're saying it's ok to not complete a ninja in one of possibly the only events that actually gives us 80 frags of a ninja. Honestly there is just nothing to say to you more.

yeah and its players like you who keep crying even when oasis is trying to do something better. People like you force oasis to come back with useless rewards because of continuous complain even when rewards are better. So its better for you to sit back rather than coming up with lame and useless arguments and complains

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-12 13:30:36.
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On 2019-12-13 03:22:42Show All Posts
  • MrMli On 2019-12-13 00:33:02
  • that 41 frags was a misstake, if Oasis don't wanna give Konan agel of gods then give us another ninja but need to be a full 80 frags

now i wish oasis come up with konoahamaru 80 frags next time.

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On 2019-12-13 04:06:25Show All Posts
  • Kharan On 2019-12-12 20:05:18
  • Actually you just perfectly summarized yourself.

    Oasis tries to do something good?

    -Oh NO! They're deevaluating muh NiNjA!!!

umm...what did you meant to say...

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On 2019-12-13 09:07:47Show All Posts
  • BattleCrier On 2019-12-13 07:28:48
  • I got 4* Teisho Konan for 10k (Fuku deal at spring, 20 frags in events for free and fireworks) ... to me, she is better in 1v1 situations as she is more flexible with offense / defense mystery and chakra battery...
    AoG Konan is much better when it comes to 2v2 or 3v3 situations, hands down... she hits like a truck at more teams.

    People are crying when they get a "weak" ninja... but smart players c*e them... and it works... then Oasis gives us good ninjas... and people cry that they spent coupons on getting them and then we get it for free (like Shisui) ... So Oasis gives us free good 1/2 ninja... (40 frags if someone wanna ask) ... and guess what... people are crying again...

    WTH guys! we got 40 fragments for free... thats 10k coupons saved! or if you wanna go to extreme... thats at least 30 weeks of getting free fragments... more than a half year...

    I´m glad for it... as I welcome the 40k Fukus... you wanna spend 20k? sure get a ninja and whatever you want...
    you dont like the events... save up... get 40k and get 2 ninjas and much more things you want... no problem...

    I feel this community is simply too toxic... what a shame...

And now because of such reaction from noobs i am expecting that oasis will once again start drooping useless ninjas which one will never use. I was finally happy that the frags we are getting are atleast useful frags even if they are less (and they should be half because they are worth) and expected that it will continue but noobs will keep crying

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On 2019-12-13 13:13:41Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2019-12-13 12:43:42
  • You are trying to use a false equivalency to justify your argument for 40 Konan frags is fair. It isn't. This isn't about value, but the event and it's rewards. They demonstrated already that Shisui can be given for free, I see no reason that they couldn't do the same for Konan at this point.

    AGKonan is meta? Sorry, but for wars, and 3v3, I still see Narutos, Kakuzu/kisame, and now Edo Minato skill broken. RARELY do I see her as the turn 1, or even as support....but I see Shisui more often.....weird, eh?

    By your same failing logic, I could argue that we should get 20 Ronin Naruto Frags....or even 10 for the whole event....because...ya know...he is meta. It is clear as day that this event was handing out ninjas that were seemingly outdated or just support (or even things no one really asked for) who knows why....but it isn't a good sign when they start reducing the rewards for any reason.

    If that is the case, why not just put optional boxes in there and let players choose their own adventure? That would solve more problems

Well donot have enough time to read out all the nonsense you wrote because i know all you wrote was lame sry your mission wasted. In short 40 konon worth more than sakura summer, karin summer and shisui

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-13 13:14:18.
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On 2019-12-13 23:10:58Show All Posts
  • firestarter On 2019-12-13 20:21:15
  • My overall pov is that any argument to nerf any event or fragment count should be discouraged and discouraged hard. There are very very very few events worth doing due to how long it takes to generate enough ninja fragments or equipment pieces to matter progress-wise. This, especially after level 80 and after certain equipment levels.

    I've been playing this game for over a year now and seen people who left the game come back and play more when they know they can get a full ninja (3v3s, fireworks, and welfare at one point). When they realize they can't get the full ninja or close to finishing them, you won't see them play for a really long time. The grind in some regard is super long and for them really not worth the time and effort. Frankly, even I stopped doing certain events and hot topic missions because of this.

    There is no logical reason to support nerfing esp in the NA version of the game because our version is already incredibly expensive, way too gatey and grindy. 40 fragments or incomplete ninjas are incredibly useless for the vast amount of players out here. If you support the decision of reduced fragment counts for whatever reason, fine, but realize that our version of the game is already super expensive so we can't afford that pov anyway.

nerf? ok shifting from sakura, and karin summer to konon was a nerf...

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On 2019-12-14 06:50:20Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2019-12-14 05:57:02
  • So basically what you are saying is, you have no re*al and, as I predicted, will just try and * it off. Bravo!

    Protip: This doesn't make you sound witty nor smart. Thought you should know.

But you know what you do sound idiot. Do not cry if someone does not care about what ever crap you write. Greedy noob never happy with what ever they give. You do not have guts to appreciate any good move by oasis. Just crying because you could not get her in first place or get her to 4* for free right?

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-14 06:50:43.
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On 2019-12-14 09:43:41Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-14 08:22:24
  • No point to keep responding to them. They aren't understanding the big picture. Getting 40 fragments will most likely be more common if not permanent in this event now. Giving 40 fragments of a ninja will most likely encourage a fair few amount of players into either spending money or saved coupons to complete that ninja. This was one of the very few events that gave 80 fragments of a ninja. 3v3 used to give 80 frags of semi decent ninja. Great plates gave away tons of ninja frags and was one of the best ways to spend coupons for ninja's. What's the next event that will get nerfed (yes 40 fragments of AGK is a nerf, Shisui is much more viable then she is)? Don't understand how players can defend this saying "80 frags of AGK devalues her", like what? You paid a premium to get her earlier than other players to get the advantage same with all other ninja. That's how the game has always worked. Ronin Naruto is a prime example of that. He was what 90k when he came out and he is now 50k.

    Also for argumentative purpose saying AGK is better than Shisui I say you are wrong. Shisui has barrier, dodge, control (2 rounds), strips away buffs with mystery, and ignition. AGK high damage output (9 targets), chance to reduce mystery (round 1 mystery), buffs Akatsuki units( 20%), super armor, self buff with chakra. AGK is only really useful in 3v3, gnw, and ninja exams. Shisui can be used in pretty much any gamemode and do somewhat well. Couldn't tell you how many times a shisui team has blitzed me down in arena. AGK is hard countered by any round 1 control/dodge ninja in her path.

    Overall Shisui is more viable the AGK and we got all 80 frags. Yes Shisui is cheaper, but only because he's been out much longer than AGK. To summarize giving 80 fragments of AGK won't break the meta. Yeah people will get mad people got her for free, but you should never get a ninja and not expect them to be cheaper or free at some point. You are paying that premium to get them earlier than others. People who support the 40 fragments over the 80 fragments saying "AGK is more useful I would take 40 of her frags rather than some useless 80 frags of random ninja.". Summer Sakura is very useful in space time and shark bomb teams. Christmas Karin is useful in arena with Summer Ino to proc debuffs.

    Sorry for ranting, but just let them believe 40 fragments is better than 80. You're just going to see the same responses from them insulting you. They must be new to the game if they think this is a good move by Oasis for the players.

Why do not you be more practical? Scrap away new players and noobs we wont discuss if a ninja is useful to them. All this time we said shisui was good because he can be really helpful to new players, he can help them in arena. Now lets talk if shisui is even good at 300-400K or ninja exam 300 + uptill 380. Firstly almost all players in old servers have shisui, so that shisui being in firework was useless to them. But not all had konon because she costed way more.

now tell me, you were saying i am new and did not knew anything xD do you use shisui in your lineup, after all you have listed so many benefits of having shisui? have you kicked gaara from lineup just for shisui. we have gaara bt complete f2p why the hell we need shisui? Lets talk about where shisui is good to use..arena no we have gaara we don't need shisui 's barrier, ninja exam NO very low damage and no interrupt and very fragile, 3v3 possibly yes with hiruzen blitz but i prefer hashi tobi barrier, matsuri possibly yes(although i donot) , sage and training ground? NO you don't want to loose at a power of 400k+ to a merely 300k naruto user, space time NO. Does shisui fits in any meta lineup?NO(kushina lineup ? NO gaara is way more helpful). Rogue ninja yes if you have hiruzen. In all mentioned game modes with no either we have some better support, or at p1 shisui wont stand long

Does konon fits in any meta? for the most part NO but is good with kakuzu. Ninja exam Yes high damage. 3v3 yes very high damage she is far better than shisui here, Training grounds and SWB for the most part NO, but she can do very well against narutos, matsuri possibly Yes with kakuzu, space time possibly Yes with kakuzu, Rouge ninja yes if you donot have hiruzen.

They both are out of meta characters but since gaara bt provides way better support shisui is totally dumped out of lineups, not even for ninja exam, 3v3 or gnw. On the other hand konon is a good damage dealer but she is also not very popular. She is good at ninja exam and 3v3 and possibly gnw. Only reason konon is "possibly usable" in other content like space time or SWB is because of kakuzu so she is able to spam mystery every round.

Now coming are 40* konon better than 80* konon of course not. BUT thing is this event started with useless ninjas and started to improve 40* konon is sure better than any other ninja offered earlier, may be this event give 40 edo minato or kushina. This is at least helpful getting 40 useful frags compared to 80 useless ones. But why this event should give 40 rather than 80 is because giving away 80 frags of good ninja takes away the fun of grinding for a ninja. After all those 40 are at least useful.

By they way you were begging there for 80 frags you look like a real newbie, noob who does not know worth and does not know how to grind for a ninja.

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On 2019-12-14 09:46:15Show All Posts
  • JustSaying On 2019-12-14 08:55:48
  • Mostly it was f2p and medium spenders...whales could care less about konan.If anything they were mad about kakuzu a bit but was understandable because naruto was quite annoying.

That may possibly depend like if a whale is one or 2 bt away from fully broken kakuzu he will welcome it.

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On 2019-12-14 10:39:00Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-12-14 10:25:25
  • "giving away 80 frags of good ninja takes away the fun of grinding for a ninja." Who has fun grinding 2+ months for a 20k or lower ninja? Also KK Gaara doesn't fit with every lineup because his barrier is limited, but by your logic since KK Gaara is free he is better than Shisui. Ok regular Konan (that's how you spell her name btw) is much more valuable support than AGK and free. You have yet to provide a logical/reasonable counter why 40 frags of AGK is better than 80 frags? Grinding in this game is awful and not rewarding (3 years with the game now). Come up with an actual argumentative standpoint instead of insulting other players and looking *. You are in the minority yet acting as if so many players are supporting the new event style.

    Edit: And yes I actually do use Shisui in Matsuri on my 4 star Gate of Shock Guy and Founder Madara team.

Ok AOG konon is not usable any where shisui, sakura and karin summer is a god tier ninja. Then why are you even crying for her? why do you want her when you are saying that you wont use her anywhere. Tell me why do you want her 80 frags? And you proved how big idiot you are gaara is not that good because only barrier, his defence and resistance scaling are the most important part of him, also he gives shied and recovers hp when attacked( as long as you are not ignited or in dream from edo itachi). How can you compare gaara to shisui ? Gaara is totally free and way better also he can fit with most of meta like kakuzu, minato and kushina. If you think that "Who has fun grinding 2+ months for a 20k or lower ninja?" do not, grind for a ninja which you like. And donot act an idiot my previous reply is still unedited and i wrote that shisui can possibly be used in matsuri i did no say shisui is totally useless for matsuri some people so use him for barrier because you can not have gaara in all 3 teams (6 including revival). Correcting you when you are wrong does that means i am insulting you? dude you are using abusive words which are auto hidden by' * ' not me. Stop embarrassing yourself with lame arguments

There is no solution for greedy people like you. It is what it is, you can not increase frags now by crying try to appreciate oasis if they try to take a good step. I might be among minority but at least not a crying, greedy noob like you who only has useless arguments. Won't pay anymore attention to noob majority like you. Enjoy your trophy of winning.

This post was last edited by MinatoYellowFla on 2019-12-14 10:57:21.
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