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[ Events ] Events Cycle - December 12th


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  • Registered: 2018-10-22
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 46
On 2019-12-12 02:53:33Show All Posts
  • Byakuga On 2019-12-11 18:50:03
  • Limited treasure III? What's that?

actual it do/did exist 6 different Time Limted Edo Tensei Jinchuriki Treasures on the China Servers with only one of the Edo Tensei Jinchurikis inside. On each cover of the treasure is one Edo Tensei Jinchuriki..

Treasure 1 = Edo Tensei Yugito

Treasure 2 = Edo Tensei Yagura

Treasure 3 = Edo Tensei Roshi

Treasure 4 = Edo Tensei Utakata

Treasure 5 = Edo Tensei Fu

Treasure 6 = Edo Tensei Han

jinch 3

jinch 2

jinch 1

The US and German servers got only their own Time Limit Edo Tensei Jinchuriki Treasure 1 and 2 but always with two or three Edo Tensei Jinchuriki inside and not only one

Treasure 1 = Edo Tensei Fu and Edo Tensei Yagura inside

Treasure 2 = Edo Tensei Roshi with Edo Tensei Han and Edo Tensei Yagura

NEW Treasure 3 = with Edo Tensei Yugito and with Edo Tensei Utakata maybe or an other Edo Tensei Jinchuriki

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