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[ Events ] Events Cycle - November 7th


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  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-11-06 21:08:48Show All Posts
  • SenjuPower On 2019-11-06 20:57:20
  • Can You read?

    "Torune Aburame, Pain-Chikushodo, Pain-Ningendo, Fu Yamanaka, Kimimaro 's Skill book added in the Skill Book Store."

    Those are all old ninjas

but can you read? he said SKILL TRIAL not breakthrough

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On 2019-11-06 21:09:57Show All Posts
  • katastrophe On 2019-11-06 20:56:01
  • And you complain over a virtual game :)

complaining over something that you care isn't a shame, doesnt matter if is a game or a car... in special when is so much TIME and MONEY invested in...

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On 2019-11-06 21:11:12Show All Posts
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-11-06 21:02:49
  • By your logic, let's remove every ninja from events that I already recruited so that players can't ever recruit them.

    See how that works?

    Stop being salty, omg 4 events...meanwhile we have Naruto Sage of Six Paths be spammed in EVERY event cycle nearly and I don't see you asking about him to be removed from the event list, so stop being a hypocrite.

about event spamming.... madara GNW was in almost every event cycle since release (i think he wasnt in 1 or 2 weeks )

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On 2019-11-06 21:14:00Show All Posts
  • CONLY On 2019-11-06 21:13:20
  • minato suit is set free so you need to read the previous comments

did i said anything about minato?

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On 2019-11-06 21:17:27Show All Posts
  • CONLY On 2019-11-06 21:15:11
  • ''read previous comments''

there is NO need to "read previous comments" since this statement alone "And you complain over a virtual game :)" holds on it's own and is the basis of my comment... dont try to bend it...

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On 2019-11-06 21:18:52Show All Posts
  • katastrophe On 2019-11-06 21:17:35
  • zero argument what you said lmao

just because you ignore an argument doesnt make it zero...

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On 2019-11-06 21:34:58Show All Posts
  • DialecticianInc On 2019-11-06 20:10:04
  • let's hope that Chikushodo skill trial is meta, not useless stuff like many others

if i dont mistake:

Mystery: Water Style - Foam *tered Waves: Cause Water attribute Ninjutsu damage, Tag, and 3 Combo against up to 4 of the opponent’s units.

Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Chakra Consumption: 20

Mystery +1: Water Style - Foam *tered Waves +1: Cause Water attribute Ninjutsu damage, Tag, and 3 Combo against up to 4 of the opponent’s units. Increase damage of this mystery by 35%.

Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 round

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Chakra Consumption: 20

Standard: Summoning Jutsu - Rhino: Attack up to 4 of the opponent’s units. This skill is not subject to the opponent’s Defense skill.

Standard +1: Summoning Jutsu - Rhino +1: Attack up to 4 of the opponent’s units with a chance to cause repulse. Skill is not subject to the opponent’s Defense skill.

Standard +2: Summoning Jutsu - Rhino +2: Attack 4 of the opponent’s units with a high chance to cause repulse. Skill is not subject to the opponent’s Defense skill.

Passive 1: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon: Triggered with at least 10 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random.

Passive 1 +1: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon +1: Triggered with at least 10 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random. Increase damage by 20%

Passive 1 +2: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon +2: Triggered with at least 10 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random. Increase damage by 40%

Passive 2: Summoning Jutsu - Panda: At the beginning of the battle bring a summon into the field, Summon - Panda, with 70% of this unit’s attributes. Pandas have Super Armor.

Passive 2 +1: Summoning Jutsu - Panda +1: At the beginning of the battle bring a summon into the field, Summon - Panda, with 90% of this unit’s attributes. Pandas have Super Armor.

Passive 2 +2: Summoning Jutsu - Panda +2: At the beginning of the battle bring a summon into the field, Summon - Panda,with 120% of this unit’s attributes. Pandas have Super Armor.

Passive 3: Rinnegan - Ninjutsu: All Rinnegan attribute units in your field will have their Ninjutsu increased by 40%, lasts for 3 rounds.

Passive 3 +1: Rinnegan - Ninjutsu +1: All Rinnegan attribute units in your field will have their Ninjutsu increased by 40% and Resistance increased by 60%, lasts for 3 rounds.


Mystery Y: Water Style - Foam *tered Waves Y [Prompt]: Cause Water attribute Ninjutsu damage, Tag, and 4 Combo against up to 3 of the opponent’s units.

Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 round

Cooldown: 3 rounds

Chakra Consumption: 20

Mystery Y+1: Water Style - Foam *tered Waves Y+1 [Prompt]: Cause Water attribute Ninjutsu damage, Tag, and 4 Combo against up to 3 of the opponent’s units.

Battlefield Entrance Cooldown: 0 round

Cooldown: 2 rounds

Chakra Consumption: 20

Standard: No Y Skills

Passive 1 Y: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon Y: Triggered with at least 20 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random and make oneself invisible until the end of the round (Invisible ninja cannot be targeted by mysteries).

Passive 1 Y+1: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon Y+1: Triggered with at least 20 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random and make oneself invisible until the end of the round. Increase damage by 25%.

Passive 1 Y+2: Summoning Jutsu - Chameleon Y+2: Triggered with at least 20 combo, causes Taijutsu damage to 3 of the opponent’s units at random and make oneself invisible until the end of the round. Increase damage by 50%.

Passive 2 Y: Summoning Jutsu - Panda Y: Before the first action of each round, summon 1 Panda based on 35% of this unit’s attributes. Only 1 Panda can be summoned at a time. Panda’s have Super Armor.

Passive 2 Y+1: Summoning Jutsu - Panda Y+1: Before the first action of each round, summon 1 Panda based on 45% of this unit’s attributes. Only 1 Panda can be summoned at a time. Panda’s have Super Armor.

Passive 2 Y+2: Summoning Jutsu - Panda Y+2: Before the first action of each round, summon 1 Panda based on 60% of this unit’s attributes. Only 1 Panda can be summoned at a time. Panda’s have Super Armor.

Passive 3 Y: Rinnegan - Ninjutsu Y: As long as this ninja remains alive, all Rinnegan attribute units in the your field will have their Ninjutsu increased by 15%.

Passive 3 Y+1: Rinnegan - Ninjutsu Y+1: As long as this ninja remains alive, all Rinnegan attribute units in the your field will have the

ir Ninjutsu increased by 20%.

  • Registered: 2018-11-29
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On 2019-11-06 22:45:29Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-11-06 22:35:55
  • Everyone? Good chunk of people got him, while some skipped days or didn't have the resources. That's fine all I am saying is I would much rather see a new/useful ninja in 3v3. Also put Minato suit in an event where if you do everything you can claim 10 of his fragments for free. That should finish him for most who skipped days. I didn't expect to see him in any redeemable event/3v3, so I wasted resources to get him because of many occasions ninjas given away for free hardly return. I would be ok with this if he had skillbreaks, but he doesn't. So there is no point in 4 starring him.

    This is just my opinion though. Just kinda a big slap in the face to those of us who wasted resources to get him to have him given away completely free in 3v3.

the funny thing is that omoi swimsuit was deliberately given only 70 frags yet no trace of him unless spending or so (walfare coins still count as spending)
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On 2019-11-07 22:09:28Show All Posts
  • korkorbyn On 2019-11-06 23:11:06
  • Omoi swimsuit was in the 7 day welfare when minato suit came out you prob miss your chance to get him there he was also in Sakura blessing also and lucky board for that 1 frag to get him luck for 10 spins

then read again what i said.... in 7days was redeemable meaning you spent something as for sakua blessing that's most bs since is as unreliable as oasis's translation team

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On 2019-11-07 22:15:40Show All Posts
  • TobiragoOda On 2019-11-07 03:26:13
  • Because updates to the game have to first be made in China. We'll get them to our version from there after.

how exactly do you think all the known skill trial and whatnot and the infos on the sites such as konohaproxy are known? out of thin air?? or was it... TRANSLATED FROM CHINA VERSION????? how can you say "updates to the game have to fist be made in China" when china had them years ago?? what are you a forum plant?

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On 2019-11-09 02:10:04Show All Posts
  • korkorbyn On 2019-11-08 00:24:11
  • sakura blessing isnt to spend on whats there to spend on ;) I don't need to reread again have a nice day

nice bending.... also read again... sakura is very very unreliable 99% of people got max 3 frags so don't tell me that is a viable option, also wasn't minato in the same event? dont remember exactly but i think he was... so the same logic can apply to minato too if you wanna go that route...

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On 2019-11-12 02:42:56Show All Posts
  • CONLY On 2019-11-09 08:27:08
  • who cares

fails an argument end it "who cares" gg 11/10 IGN would recommend to friends and family...

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On 2019-11-12 02:43:36Show All Posts
  • katastrophe On 2019-11-09 08:30:17
  • who says it was? you done


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On 2019-11-12 02:44:38Show All Posts
  • kakashi_brother On 2019-11-11 00:16:04
  • Where is SUSANO KAKASHI ???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? AGAIN NOT IN THE EVENTS FOR LONG LONG TIME PLEASE PUT THAT ONE MORE TIME IN THE EVENTS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

good thing we had mdara GNW in almost every event week since release.... (sarcasm if people dont get it)

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