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[ Events ] Events Cycle - November 7th


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  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-06 20:50:14Show All Posts
  • Byakuga On 2019-11-06 18:22:22
  • Everything cool but for the 999th time CHANGE CLOTHING FRAGMENTS OF GROCERY STORE.
    It's been 4months with the same fukurokumaru and summer sai fragments and everyone has thousands of strange stones they're not using, PLEASE change those for ANY other fragments that you want.

    And Minato [suit] as 3v3 rewards? Why? You've given him in 7day welfare, you've given him as event reward, why giving him again now in 3v3? he doesn't even have breakthrough so it would be much better ANY other ninja that HAS breakthrough available.
    I don't know honestly who takes these decisions of choosing which ninja goes in which event but has to be someone that doesn't even play the game, because these things i'm saying you should know them.

Not many have him yet

  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-06 20:51:10Show All Posts
  • Byakuga On 2019-11-06 18:26:17
  • haha, no i don't think so

Yes you do. You didn’t realized the whole history yet

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On 2019-11-06 20:52:07Show All Posts
  • Lionpower22 On 2019-11-06 18:45:33
  • thank you for adding 3v3 but why minato suit again? he was already given out , why give him again, instead of another ninja? like might duy or even ino summer( she was given away in german 3v3 event for example)

Not many have him yet so it’s best to get him again few people I know don’t have him yet

  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-06 20:55:26Show All Posts
  • Koncept On 2019-11-06 19:17:19
  • 3v3 Minato Suit? Most got him during the last 7 days of welfare, if not they got the missing frags in all the events he's been in since then. Please change it to another ninja like summer, swimsuit, young adult, or anbu unit.

It’s been finalized can’t change why ruin it for everyone who don’t have minato suit yet

  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-06 20:56:01Show All Posts
  • Byakuga On 2019-11-06 20:55:13
  • Oh really? cause a "few" people dont have him yet that's enough reason to put him again? Well then lets follow your logic let's add again Omoi swimsuit, he's been in only 2 events since he came out whilst minato has been in 4 :)

    Idk my boi call me crazy but i think if you're gonna repeat a ninja so much in events at the very least that ninja should have breakthrough option available, if not what's even the point.

And you complain over a virtual game :)

  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-06 21:17:35Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2019-11-06 21:09:57
  • complaining over something that you care isn't a shame, doesnt matter if is a game or a car... in special when is so much TIME and MONEY invested in...

zero argument what you said lmao

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On 2019-11-07 00:02:08Show All Posts
  • Shyuko On 2019-11-06 23:40:10
  • You are entirely missing the point; He was purposefully left at 70 frags given away. (This is what they claim, but I'm more inclined that they screwed up and instead of just admitting it and apologizing, this company prefers to claim "it was intentional". Funny how they would rather look like arse hats instead of regular human beings that make mistakes, meh)

    As a result, people had to resort to either rng (Sakura blessing....which would NOT give the missing 10 frags even if you had a horseshoe up your rear) and spending resources to get him (over hokage frag pack, adv skill trial pack, etc).

    Its a dik move no matter how you try and defend it....don't know why you keep carrying water for their decisions mate.

Cause it’s them what do you expect? I don’t see why none endure the situation when everyone should know about this. argumentative should be done by now lmao

This post was last edited by katastrophe on 2019-11-07 00:03:40.
  • Registered: 2017-12-14
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On 2019-11-09 08:30:17Show All Posts
  • The_X On 2019-11-09 02:10:04
  • nice bending.... also read again... sakura is very very unreliable 99% of people got max 3 frags so don't tell me that is a viable option, also wasn't minato in the same event? dont remember exactly but i think he was... so the same logic can apply to minato too if you wanna go that route...

who says it was? you done

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