You people complain of minato suit there’s people who didn’t get the chance to get him at the 7 day welfare y’all complain to much it helps few people who didnt get him by chance. please keep minato suit cause some people never got him yet
That's right my man i already have minato suit just like so many people, guess why, because he's already been in events 5 times if you count tomorrow's 3v3.
I think there are better options to put in that event and that's why i post it here where it matters along other players.
Don't agree with me? That's cool, you've made your comment i made mine now lets let the devs ready and do something about it or not.
This same argument happened with naruto suit and they changed it in the end so i'll take my chances thank you for your time.
a mod mentioned minato suit is finalized so what your getting there not helping yourself when few playerba
Omoi swimsuit was in the 7 day welfare when minato suit came out you prob miss your chance to get him there he was also in Sakura blessing also and lucky board for that 1 frag to get him luck for 10 spins
You are entirely missing the point; He was purposefully left at 70 frags given away. (This is what they claim, but I'm more inclined that they screwed up and instead of just admitting it and apologizing, this company prefers to claim "it was intentional". Funny how they would rather look like arse hats instead of regular human beings that make mistakes, meh)
As a result, people had to resort to either rng (Sakura blessing....which would NOT give the missing 10 frags even if you had a horseshoe up your rear) and spending resources to get him (over hokage frag pack, adv skill trial pack, etc).
Its a dik move no matter how you try and defend it....don't know why you keep carrying water for their decisions mate.
Because I can reply what I want it’s a discussion to discuss right trying to ease the negative to the forum and and they sure knew about the mistake they did lol gotta reply what best they miss out have a nice day mate ;)
then read again what i said.... in 7days was redeemable meaning you spent something as for sakua blessing that's most bs since is as unreliable as oasis's translation team
sakura blessing isnt to spend on whats there to spend on ;) I don't need to reread again have a nice day
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