Everything cool but for the 999th time CHANGE CLOTHING FRAGMENTS OF GROCERY STORE.
It's been 4months with the same fukurokumaru and summer sai fragments and everyone has thousands of strange stones they're not using, PLEASE change those for ANY other fragments that you want.
And Minato [suit] as 3v3 rewards? Why? You've given him in 7day welfare, you've given him as event reward, why giving him again now in 3v3? he doesn't even have breakthrough so it would be much better ANY other ninja that HAS breakthrough available.
I don't know honestly who takes these decisions of choosing which ninja goes in which event but has to be someone that doesn't even play the game, because these things i'm saying you should know them.
Remember last month when you were gonna add naruto [suit] into login and everyone told you it was * idea and you listened to the playerba
Well, that minato [suit] in 3v3 is a very bad idea. Please listen to us again.
Oh really? cause a "few" people dont have him yet that's enough reason to put him again? Well then lets follow your logic let's add again Omoi swimsuit, he's been in only 2 events since he came out whilst minato has been in 4 :)
Idk my boi call me crazy but i think if you're gonna repeat a ninja so much in events at the very least that ninja should have breakthrough option available, if not what's even the point.
And you complain over a virtual game :)
Yeah? I mean it's a game i like and as you can see i'm not the only one pointing out minato suit it's already been in events quite enough so far.
I complain to make the game better just like when i'm the only one in forum asking for grocery store to be updated. I don't care that you don't care mate :D my message is for whoever can fix the game not for you bby.
By your logic, let's remove every ninja from events that I already recruited so that players can't ever recruit them.
See how that works?
Stop being salty, omg 4 events...meanwhile we have Naruto Sage of Six Paths be spammed in EVERY event cycle nearly and I don't see you asking about him to be removed from the event list, so stop being a hypocrite.
And you chill and stop calling others names :)
BTW are you comparing the importance of Naruto 6path with Minato suit?.... Everyone should aim to get 6path cause it's an endgame ninja you will use, unlike your loved minato suit.
yea that's why they aint gonna listen to you for your complaints like little children. You want everything rushed pal just wait patiently I'm sure they use there ''feedback''
Where do you get from that I want everything rushed? I'm very curious.
Because I said we've had enough for a while of suit minato? Well perhaps i have a point since im not the only one saying it.
Because i want grocery store updated? Hell yeah i do, it's been 4months so far with same clothing in there if you would know anything about programming you would know it takes about 5minutes to change the clothing fragments just along the events update anytime.
I didn't call you any names, I said for you to stop being a hypocrite. Also a ninja's usefulness is irrelevant in this discussion. You didn't want Minato [Suit] in another event because you already had him, so you rather have him be removed than to let others be able to get him. Meanwhile there are people who don't have him that would like to. The game isn't just for those who play competitively. There are people believe it or not, who just like collecting ninjas.
Also if you're doing 3v3 just for the ninja....you're doing something wrong.
That's right my man i already have minato suit just like so many people, guess why, because he's already been in events 5 times if you count tomorrow's 3v3.
I think there are better options to put in that event and that's why i post it here where it matters along other players.
Don't agree with me? That's cool, you've made your comment i made mine now lets let the devs ready and do something about it or not.
This same argument happened with naruto suit and they changed it in the end so i'll take my chances thank you for your time.
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