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[ Lineup ] im stuck on the arena acdemay


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  • Registered: 2019-09-20
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 6
On 2019-10-21 01:18:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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im trying to get out of this rank i know that very bad im using a lighting main [midnight blade] and im using sasuke kabuto and kakashi on my front row which is on the second row first i have kakashi and then the lighting main then on my back row which is the thrid row i have sasuke [3 star] and kabuto im lvl 47 and im still stuck i don't know what to do what do you think i will try post the image so you can understand better [sorry if i have bad english] my power lvl is 8269 lvl 47 and that it

  • Registered: 2019-09-20
  • Topics: 4
  • Posts: 6
On 2019-10-29 03:35:25Show All Posts
  • BattleCrier On 2019-10-23 18:12:20
  • Hi there,

    arena is pretty hard at that level. You are missing summons which could help you to combine ninjas easier and treasured tools which could give you some nice initiative.
    I suggest to lvl up, get summons and some new ninjas. However that wont help you at all... Since I dont know what ninjas you possess, you can try this:

    proxy (12)

    Or if you have Summer Hinata which was for free in recent event (but Im not sure when it was and if you were able to access that event) try this team:

    proxy (14)
    Anbu Tactics can be replaced with Killing intent in 1st team or Enhancement in either of these

thx you i have will try post my team soon i know this 5 days after sorry because i thought no one message thx you

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