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[ Events ] My main complaint about this game...


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  • Registered: 2019-07-25
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On 2019-10-20 14:25:34Show All PostsDescending Order
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I've played for a solid 3 years now, on and off of course through several servers. I have 3 85s and 1 90.

I would LOVE to throw money at this game, I know, I sound like an idiot for saying it but....

the price of ingots are insane, imho you should get double what's initially offered. I was gonna buy a jonin medal thinking it would only be like $20 or something, NOPE, it's LITERALLY DOUBLE, $40.

I know, whales run this game through and through. I'm not trying to become a whale, but Naruto is one of my favorite childhood memories and the only fairly active game for it is so overly priced it kills all my initiative to spend money on it.

Right now, $1 is worth 50 ingots.. which isn't enough to get literally anything done.. At this rate being F2P sounds more sane than spending genuine money on this game, coupons can be obtained way faster and are way more efficient than ingots price/time wise.

Oasis, you genuinely expect me to spend $100 on a browser game to obtain a ninja at 3 star, yes, that ninja is probably overpowered because of the price tag.. But the mindset of locking ANYTHING behind such an absurd gate is what's gonna kill this game. I can agree with 20-40 bucks for a character like a sane game, and I get this is a "gotcha, whoever throws more money wins" type of game.. But for godsake, make it reasonable for us 9-5ers to have a CHANCE to obtain anything of value in this game. I can't fork out 100s of dollars monthly for a game that releases more and more overpowered ninja behind paywalls.

Let more people breakthrough limit-breaks, preferablly more F2P characters. If you keep the freebies happy, they'll spend money eventually.. And when they do, they would prefer it not to break the bank at the freakin' sight of 50 ingots per dollar spent. [Literally can't even buy a SINGLE SEAL SCROLL for that much].

I genuinely plan on playing this game for as long as I can, I log on daily and do everything I can. I don't plan on quitting soon, I just wish the price to support the game wasn't so high, I feel like i'm being punished and leeched for attempting to support Oasis whatsoever.

Quicky Post

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