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[ Help ] How to get 5k Sun scrolls f2p??


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  • Registered: 2018-10-10
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On 2019-10-19 06:27:45Show All PostsDescending Order
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How do you all get sun scrolls as f2p, especially the * 5k needed for nature cultivation?

fighting matsuri


rogue ninja outburst

traning grounds

The "matched" events are matched based on the most iditioc system possible, even when the levels are both set to 100, my roster cant compete with 6p/kakuzu sb/kushina sb etc with higher initiative

The roge ninja and training grounds I am just fodder for the oh so creative naruto or kakuzu teams that everyone and their dog uses

even when I attend every event in a week, getting tramped over and very quickly eliminated by staff and whales leave me no better off than if I hadnt even bothered

I was contently resigned to never having an abundance of them, but due to how this game is operated a lot of things are effectively off limits to me, I would atleast like ot be able to get some main breaks.

Am I missing something? any tips/advice etc would be appreciated, thank you

This post was last edited by -Zaku on 2019-10-19 06:27:45.
  • Registered: 2018-10-10
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On 2019-10-19 19:59:46Show All Posts
  • Dresq On 2019-10-19 09:26:23
  • You know how when you finish Sage/Matsuri, you get a mail containing Sun Scrolls? Save them for a week or two and open when you WILL have enough to hit 5k.

yeah, was hoping there was something I was overlooking though. was hoping there was a way to speed up the process at least a little bit.

but I guess this is my best bet. Thank you

  • Registered: 2018-10-10
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On 2019-10-20 20:34:32Show All Posts
  • TTchip On 2019-10-20 00:32:40
  • Listen man, even if you are p2w, when you are starting out, it’s still hard in all events, I suspect that you aren’t even 70k yet cuz 5k is very easy to hit if u participate in all events especially if you don’t lvl freeze. Another thing, remember that u c*e revival potions matsuri, u only need 3 wins to get 1k sun scrolls which is think is not too hard

while this is true I guess timing plays a part in it, I can say right now, with no word of a lie, that the "weakest" person I have been "matched" against in a pvp event in the past month is blankbroeder with his 411k or so power.

Even in an event where we are put on even level, 100, and only tool stats matter, I still cant hope to get 3 wins facing guys with init and rosters like his, even if I was the best player in the world, there is still only so much chiriku can do against ten tails obito, bee 8 tails with full sb etc etc

This post was last edited by -Zaku on 2019-10-20 22:45:00.
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