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[ Help ] Ranked Arena Has to be Broken, right?


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  • Registered: 2019-08-21
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On 2019-10-17 09:07:10Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I don't even know what to say, other than I'm the highest bp on a new-ish server, highest overall initiative, and today I went from a Super Kage at 42 points to 19 points. I won a single ranked match, against someone who was beating me but withdrew. I also lost countless matches to team after team of paid and ultra-rare ninja, every single one of which had a higher overall and position 1-4 initiative than me, without exception. This can't be proper matching, right? Like, this can't be how it's supposed to work, where I fight over 20 matches and not a single person has a remotely normal team, or where I don't have higher initiative at any position over any of them...right? What happened? I got to Super Kage during the last season fairly easily, lost maybe a handful of matches total, rarely saw a team with more than one paid or ultra-rare ninja. The last few days, I literally haven't seen a single team that didn't have at least one, more than half with 2 or 3. I've tried different teams, but it doesn't matter when I don't have any $150-$400 op ninja and they have 3 and the initiative advantage. How do I win?

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-17 10:21:51Show this Author Only

Let me guess, X-Server arena opened up, and now you're facing against the big boys and you're frustrated by it.

Don't worry, its normal. The best way is to find a strategy that counters teams you're facing. Or start picking up Edo Itachi and a good P1 Ninja and work from there.

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On 2019-10-17 12:51:55Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-10-17 10:21:51
  • Let me guess, X-Server arena opened up, and now you're facing against the big boys and you're frustrated by it.

    Don't worry, its normal. The best way is to find a strategy that counters teams you're facing. Or start picking up Edo Itachi and a good P1 Ninja and work from there.

I was late to doing ranked arena on this server, it was already cross-server by the time I started last season. As far as countering, I'm not getting any kind of consistent meta I can build against. One team is all debuffs, the next is overwhelming blitz, the next is shielded heals. based on what I've seen I could have won half those fights despite the vast difference in ninja quality, except the initiative killed me. Other people on my server said they don't have the same issues with constant op teamed opponents either so, I dunno what's happening.

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On 2019-10-17 17:01:22Show this Author Only
  • FemmeAnon On 2019-10-17 12:51:55
  • I was late to doing ranked arena on this server, it was already cross-server by the time I started last season. As far as countering, I'm not getting any kind of consistent meta I can build against. One team is all debuffs, the next is overwhelming blitz, the next is shielded heals. based on what I've seen I could have won half those fights despite the vast difference in ninja quality, except the initiative killed me. Other people on my server said they don't have the same issues with constant op teamed opponents either so, I dunno what's happening.

The idea is that or you pay a lot to get very high initiative and a good team that works 70% of the times or you simply have to find the right time of the day to go in taking for granted for your next 6-9 months six paths will be a mirage.

And beware that arena now is about 20 times fairer than it used to be when i began to play.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-10-17 17:02:35.
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On 2019-10-18 04:10:01Show this Author Only

Your the strongest in your server but that won't help you in arena specially when your in cross server, there are going be people who have triple your power so Instead of relying on power to win you should make a good arena team.

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On 2019-10-18 05:13:32Show this Author Only

Well, it’s still only 17th. Keep in mind that the closer it gets to the end of month, the easier it will be. At the beginning of month, every1 who is very powerful will want to get to 6p immediately again to not worry about it later on, and to flex the title in their cross

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On 2019-11-01 20:53:57Show this Author Only
  • TTchip On 2019-10-18 05:13:32
  • Well, it’s still only 17th. Keep in mind that the closer it gets to the end of month, the easier it will be. At the beginning of month, every1 who is very powerful will want to get to 6p immediately again to not worry about it later on, and to flex the title in their cross

Well, on an update, I severely increased my overall and position initiatives, managed to snag an op ninja through saving and luck and built a solid team around him. It made zero difference. Time of the month didn't matter, every day it was the same thing all the way up to the last day of the month. And also immediately after the season ended and all the insanely powerful people were back to genin, I still got only crazy teams with way higher initiative which I assume were just people who didn't quite make 6 paths last time and were trying to get it quick. Gonna have to give up trying to get any kind of rewards for months until I'm sort of caught up with other servers because there's no beating this matching. It's basically as bad as Bonds matching, which is saying something since I get matched with people literally hundreds of thousands of bp higher than me in that.

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On 2019-11-01 21:05:29Show this Author Only

an accurate description of all aspects of this game is to say that they are not broken, they are just dumb.

Sage world has level 60 players facing mods and whales with over 600k power.

arena challenges set the levels to 100, but that makes zero difference, a level 100 fully sb kakuzu team with higher initiative is still going to walk all over most of us normal players whether both teams are level 100 or not.

matsuri it claims that if you lose you will be matched with someone of a lower level, but since babies that cant handle competition here level freeze and since power is infinitely more important than level the matching system if you can even call it such makes about as much sense as a screen door on a submarine.

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On 2019-11-02 02:47:29Show this Author Only

Just dont do arena so early... all whales will be there xD. Try later

Quicky Post

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