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[ Suggestions ] Tendo Draw Luck


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 23:05:44Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Okay, first of all, I fully understand that these 10 scroll draws are down to luck on who you get. Some people are naturally going to get luckier than others.
HOWEVER - From my 10 scroll tendo draws so far, I have received Guy twice (already had him), Asuma twice, Kakashi 3 times and Zabuza 3 times (already had him). The only new ones here were Animal Path Pain (once) and Asuma, who I got straight away afterwards. Meanwhile, the players who were already top have received multiple designated ninjas (Sage Jiraiya, Itachi, multiple Pain paths etc) from just a few draws.

Can there PLEASE, for the love of everything good in this world, be a reduction in the draw chance of nins like Zabuza? Because I've had him 3 out of my past 4 draws of 10 scrolls. And I'm so unbelievably sick of it, since he feels like one of the worst nins in the entire game at this point. Everyone at the top is building up these insane combos of rarer nins, while I'm stuck without having anything new (also having spent a fair amount of money for these scrolls), and its just feeling like a huge waste of time if the luck is so imbalanced.

Is there anything at all that can be done? Even if to just reduce the chance of god awful nins like zabuza from tendo's. Or do I just have to accept that the game is giving me the middle finger here on a regular basis?
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-18 02:56:31Show this Author Only
they should make something with drawing doubles it kinda *s to draw zabuza kakashi and kakashi 5-8 times and 1 new ninja once kinda annoying
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On 2016-09-18 03:17:14Show this Author Only
is rigged u know? a lot of posts with that.
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On 2016-09-18 03:23:53Show this Author Only
How else do you think I have 2 5* Zabzubas, 5* kakashi and 5* Guy. It's whatever I guess nothing is going to change. Understandable you want some rare ninjas but at least you're working towards stregnthing your other ninjas and for someone who I'm assuming is f2p based on the corealtion to bringing about this topic; I'd be happy with getting guy 5*, He'll help tremendously for f2p in World Boss or instances or even ranked teams(I use him on my ranked team and ranked 8).

Believe me I wish pull rates were better but whats deeming a rare ninja a rare ninja when EVERYBODY has them. Best of luck in your pulls.
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On 2016-09-18 04:37:06Show this Author Only
Just got Guy yet again. I fully understand that if it wasn't like this, then p2win players would crush everyone by odds of getting every character. But the fact I've had guy for the 6th time now, it's just unbelievably frustrating (This one was from GNW legendary packs).

I love using Guy,he fits into loads of combos (So that's not the worst part). But Zabuza.. I mean, surely he's one of the worst nins in this game overall? I just think its crazy that people who were already top get the most incredible luck (Some got this from free draws), but the rest of us get nothing.

Just gotta grind it out I guess then?
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