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Sanin Youth Pack - Goldfish event compensation


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  • Registered: 2018-12-20
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On 2019-10-11 04:06:44Show All Posts

We got a * compensation back then. A few seal scrolls, mount myoboku and stuff. Compensation is completely useless since even those who benefit from the bug will be compensated and it's not worth a dime if everyone get it. Well, Oasis can't comprehend that since they are masters at copy/pasting theirs mistakes. I'm not even angered or anything after all, I expect no less from Oasis.

  • Registered: 2018-12-20
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On 2019-10-13 06:19:18Show All Posts
  • Slipp On 2019-10-13 03:34:45
  • It dosen't really matter there not even game changing or over the top ninja their okay.

I wouldn't mind a new character for the sake of fun in arena but I understand why Oasis can't give it to us. Some people probably bought one of the tannin in the event and if we get it for free it will be a you for those who paid.

  • Registered: 2018-12-20
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On 2019-10-13 21:32:12Show All Posts
  • Free Hong Kong On 2019-10-13 11:48:29
  • It's already unfair, as is with no action taken. Everyone who didn't get one of the 80 frag packs, is unfairly left out compared to those who got a chance to buy 1 or 2. The only way to make some sort of equality of opportunity, is to give everyone a chance to get a choice pack of 80 frags now, including those who already got one, if need be. However, if you're suggesting that it wouldn't be fair to those who "abused the system" and bought 80 frag pack, then that's just ridiculous, since everyone else literally only gets offered a deal that is 80 times worse.

I was talking about those who paid them after the bug was cleared. But yeah, your solution make more sense event though Oasis won't do it.

  • Registered: 2018-12-20
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On 2019-10-15 10:08:42Show All Posts
  • Slipp On 2019-10-15 08:36:26
  • That's why they don't have to compensate those ninjas are useless, and will not affect the game at all.

The main purpose of a game is to have fun. It's fun to try new ninjas and those ninja seemed fun to play with. But well, guess I'll have to collect them through survival trial. Also Tsunade isn't useless at all, she heals, increase chakra, get rid of super armor and chaos.

  • Registered: 2018-12-20
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On 2019-10-16 23:13:34Show All Posts
  • Scarlettblue On 2019-10-16 16:11:09
  • CN version, so far, had at least 5 events where you could get them (the full 80 fragments ninjas) for fully free.

    Here you only made possible to get jiraiya once and was quite hard too to get him fully (since only the first 70 frags were really free, for the other 10 you had too choose between them and other things).

    Just to say that the difference between our version and their version is ALWAYS in favor of making us pay more.

    You NEVER give us something for free that cn didn't give for free more times than your version, while on the other hand, cn had tons of things for free we never had.

    That said now that they talked about it...

    Not fulfilled promise number 14: "about the sakura/sasuke pouch, we will show in future events the pouch at the same price of the event where people was able to abuse the bug" the word weren't exactly those but the concept was this one.

    It's 15+ months since that moment and not even once happened to see again the pouches at that price in any event.

    So? Do you really think that if you don't keep your words people forgets?

Trying to reason with Oasis has been completely useless. Whenever the devs want something and we don't, they always pu* anyways.

Quicky Post

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