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Sanin Youth Pack - Goldfish event compensation


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  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-10-16 16:11:09Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2019-10-10 20:28:17
  • Hello.

    We have noticed this issue right after we finished the maintenance. We took servers down again for emergency maintenance and fixed this issue. This situation is different from the one with Sakura/Sasuke pack because we were able to take actions right away (as you've mentioned, it was early morning for these servers/players) and not that many players (if any) were able to abuse this issue.

    With that being said, at the moment we do not plan to send any compensation, nor return the packs back to the redeemable shop. While I do not know the exact number of players atm, we will check it. We apologize for this situation.

CN version, so far, had at least 5 events where you could get them (the full 80 fragments ninjas) for fully free.

Here you only made possible to get jiraiya once and was quite hard too to get him fully (since only the first 70 frags were really free, for the other 10 you had too choose between them and other things).

Just to say that the difference between our version and their version is ALWAYS in favor of making us pay more.

You NEVER give us something for free that cn didn't give for free more times than your version, while on the other hand, cn had tons of things for free we never had.

That said now that they talked about it...

Not fulfilled promise number 14: "about the sakura/sasuke pouch, we will show in future events the pouch at the same price of the event where people was able to abuse the bug" the word weren't exactly those but the concept was this one.

It's 15+ months since that moment and not even once happened to see again the pouches at that price in any event.

So? Do you really think that if you don't keep your words people forgets?

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-10-16 16:13:19.
  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-10-17 17:20:25Show All Posts
  • Bakfromute On 2019-10-16 23:13:34
  • Trying to reason with Oasis has been completely useless. Whenever the devs want something and we don't, they always pu* anyways.

I know it, the problem is that we have no way to talk with those devs, they don't come here, they don't answer and they don't explain what they do.

We only have an ambassador (daiske) whose words matter close to nothing that not only promises things that do not bind in any way the government he represents but that most of the times doesn't even reply and let his vices do the job.

The chain of command here is the same as the 14th century holy roman empire.

  • Registered: 2018-02-02
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On 2019-10-18 16:07:38Show All Posts
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Of course they did everything that was in their power to make useless to pay low amount of money...

Instead of rewarding who paid 5-50$ per month they always focused exclusively on who spent 500+ and they never gave the idea to who was f2p that might be worth to begin to spend 5$, forgetting the financial law every businessman knows: the poors are poors but are a lot and it's harder they get annoyed when have fun.

How they managed all the low cashing options and features was exceedingly stuupid since day 1.

The result was that to keep one 500$/month whale that maybe tomorrow may get bored and quit they lost 10 people like me that had no problems in spending 40/50$ per month and 30 others that never began to spend 5$ but that could have begun to do it if the situation was different.

This post was last edited by Scarlettblue on 2019-10-18 16:14:11.
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