Hello i need lineup for matsuri challenge for lightning main
greetings and good evening to you....your ninjas collection is still small.... yet it have wonderful ninjas specially for the situation that you need to find for it a great midnight blade teams....i will be giving few examples of midnight blade teams...as for the summon unfortunately there is no information about your summons...so i assume your summon collection is holding most of the purple quality summons and few of the orange quality ones....
first midnight blade team
a team with a pure lightning ninjas and with a deadly formation that it can goes on a wonderful harmony....on this team your mostly depending on your front line to cause the damage and the back line will be serving as a support mostly....having samui on your team will be giving a special support of endurance and damage boosting for the raikage only which will allow him to endure and cause higher damage...with samui talents your team will be able to gain more chakra and this will allow you to have the chance on using most of your ninjas mystery at the same round...she will also be helpful to you on stopping your enemy mystery release on action orders from 3 to 4....she will be a problem for your enemy on so many levels surely....sasuke work is so important since he will be an aid for you on countering your enemy barrier and giving a damage boost to all your team members...this will be hard situation for your enemy if you managed to counter their barrier and specially if their team is depending on a barrier to win....the third raikage will be serving as a guard ninja in order to allow the back line survive for a while longer...and serving as an attack ninja at the same timing,,,while still having your team supporting combination...the raikage and all your team members will be armed with a dreadful damage potential which it will be causing a dangerous threat to your enemy specially at round 2.....problems for you here might be control and buffs removing and barrier changers ninjas i think
having those talents will provide your team members with damage and endurance support...the calm mind will allow you to trigger both your main and the raikage mystery at the same round..and this can be deadly to your enemy...having all the members supporting combined together....it will create a dangerous harmony that will allow you to wield a great damage potential...with the team damage supporting using your main mystery at the second round will trigger a dangerous chain of chase attacks full with dreadful debuffs..your enemy will be forced to deal with a harsh situation surely...
second midnight blade team
a balanced team that can. allow you to control the tides of the battle field to your favor on most of the situations.....on this formation your depending on the overall team working among your ninjas .....having the back line to support your front line with damage and endurance....sasuke work will be important as always to boost your team damage and counter your enemy barrier...kurenai is having an important part also..because she will be your rescue when you face harsh combat situations and dreadful debuffs...and she will be useful to save your team members from near death situations...having her on your team will cause to your enemy hard problems indeed...reaching the second round and using your main mystery will allow your team members to trigger a short chain of chase attack yet its full with serious debuffs...having your enemy to be caught with it will force them to suffer from a harsh situation surely... problems for you here might be control ninjas also and barrier changers ninjas i think...
with such talents your team and specially the front line will receive a great amount of damage support..that will allow you to build a dangerous potential for your team to prepare on striking at the second round with a fatal damage..the summon will be helpful to allow hinata on doing her chase attack at the first round...to successfully trigger hinata chase attack at the first round will give you the chance to gain the battlefield advantage on your side surely....
third midnight blade team
thats right..its the raikage again !...he can be a problem specially on this team...while having sasuke to work on boosting your team and countering your enemy barrier will allow your front line to gain a high damage boost...zabuza will be the ultimate danger for your enemy starting on round one...since he will blind 2 enemy units when you use his mystery and to attack the enemy with the lowest health points...he will be a deadly threat to your enemy on the first 3 rounds surely..and he will be having a deadly potential on this team for a quick elimination before your enemy realize the situation and act....which will cause terror at your enemy lines surely....reaching the second round and using your main mystery will allow you to trigger a deadly chain of chase attack with a high damage potential and with a deadly debuffs that will cause havoc to your enemy lines also....problems for you here might be barrier changers and control ninjas also i think...
with such talents..your team sword users members will gain a deadly supporting that will allow them to cause a dreadful damage to your enemy surely..and being able to endure most of the debuffs and damage also....calm mind talent work will be as how it is at the first example...it will allow your front line to use their mystery at the same round..following with a deadly chase chain supported with a deadly damage boosting..this team will be at its finest levels of threat at the first 3 rounds to your enemy...if they did not manage to stop your team harmony among the 3 rounds..then they will be under a dreadful situation surely...
fourth midnight blade team
another team with pure lightning attribute ninjas with a wonderful team working among the members and a great damage supporting....on this formation your depending on the front lines while the back line is serving as a support also....guy will be playing an important part here since he will be giving damage boost to all your team members with a chance to leech health on each taijutsu type attack your team members preform....and he will be an aid on stopping your enemy mystery release on position 3 till 4....hinata will be important and specially at round 1..while having guy support and using her mystery her standard attacks will be causing a massive damage to your enemy while having a high chance to trigger a deadly chase attack that is holding harsh debuffs....sasuke will be the preparations for the fatal strike by using his barrier to boost your enemy team before reaching round 2 and triggering your main mystery to cause a massive damage at your enemy lines...problems for you here might be also control ninjas and barrier changers ninjas i think...
with such talents your main and sasuke will be having most of the benefits and your team members will gain a great damage support combined with guy and sasuke supporting your team will go with a wonderful potential for both endurance and damage i think...the summon will aid on completing your chain of chase attacks .....
this was all of the examples..your collection is still having great ninjas which you can. use most of them to create wonderful teams surely....i hope you may find those examples to be helpful to you on the most times of your need...wish to you a bright future and fruitful results !
best of luck......
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