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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-10-01 20:45:17Show All Posts
  • ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) <3 On 2019-09-28 15:00:17
  • Oh I don't believe it either. Not only because it doesn't make any logical sense that Oasis wouldn't have some level of pull, but because it's been talked about by people who would know, that it doesn't work like that. I have no doubt that Tenecent pulls a lot of strings, but if we are to truly take the belief that it's all 100% out of Oasis' locus of control, then there would literally not be a single solitary reason for us to even be having this conversation.

    On that point if Oasis doesn't have say in patches or direction, then there also wouldn't be any point in us giving feedback, nor for them to even ask for that matter. Would purpose would it even serve?

The point of a feedback official or not, is to get a general idea what people think of issue X or someone who's been on the otherside, i know how it works, if can make a profit, believe me it will be pushed, not matter what people think, it's not about different playstyles or stagnant gameplay, its about profit, it's always been like that, same with any mobile game(where people waiting for naruto mobile),

Difference between Oasis and Tencent, is simple, one is developer which has the last say, and Oasis which sells and markets the game, it's like choosing the lesser evil, im not saying which one is worst or better, but they operate differently, now regarding updates, i guess it boils down to what they want or what their deal is, but like someone said above, if Tencent wants to push an update on Oasis they can, after all they're the developers, but Oasis can still change certain things, even certain cases Developers listens to the publisher to make adjustments to certain things, like we saw in Mass Effect 2 or 3 not sure, before it was released, but in terms of who or what can it change, i think it comes down to the power of negotiation, which Oasis has the right to, like i said it's only speculation, but one can assume how much power Oasis have when it comes to updates, but ultimately is Tencent who has the last say.

This post was last edited by UchihaShay on 2019-10-01 20:49:49.
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