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[ Fanfiction ] The Return.


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-24 02:01:54Show All PostsDescending Order
1# Go To

*When Kazuya woke up, he decided go to his father's book and try to see what will happen next, if the book says the future of his life. He took the book, but suddenly, he decided not to see what will say the book. Then, he went to the bathroom, and after that. he went to drink a coffee*

*Meanwhile in the Underworld*

Two voices: Fire Style: Fire Ball Jutsu!

*Both jutsus collided and exploted*

???: *pant* *pant* I guess we have return to the human world, brother.

???: I guess you're right.

*Those voices, are Midnight and Scarlet*

Scarlet: How many time we've been here?

Midnight: Three years.

Scarlet: Really? Well, I would like to know how is our family, specially my favourite nephew.

Midnight: Kazuya?

Scarlet: Yeah. Wait... you're not happy because you're going to see your son?

Midnight *walking*: Hmpf. Maybe the best option is not to see him. He grow without a father.

*Scarlet sighed, and he stopped Midnight, putting a hand on his shoulder*

Scarlet: Think about what are you saying, Midnight.

Midnight: That's not of your business.

Scarlet: It's not, but... are you conscious of the mistakes you've commited?

Midnight: ...

Scarlet: You almost doom the humanity, you ripped Kazu's arm only for recover the Yamato, leaving him almost dead when you made that. Not only that, you left him when he was a newborn baby. Your desires for power possesed you, to the point of think about yourself and not in the world. You're egocentric, bad, heartless and you almost kill your entire family.

Midnight: ...

Scarlet: Bro... you still have time to amend your mistakes.

*The Darkslayer continued walking*

Scarlet: You won't say anything?

Midnight: ... It's... raining...

Scarlet: What? That's impossible. It cannot rain in the Underworld.

Midnight *crying*: You're wrong... I'm feeling how a lot of tears are falling from my eyes...

*Scarlet went to Midnight, and he hugged him. Midnight rested his eyes on Scarlet's shoulder and he started to cry even more*

Midnight *thinking*: Kazu... what I've done...? I'm so sorry... son...

*Meanwhile on Grey Mary*

Kazu was driving on his motorbike, because he needed go to Crimson's workshop. As always, the day was normal, and Crimson went to his house, while Kazuya was making some repairs in one vehicle. 2 hours later, the young man ended his work and he went to his house.

A few minutes later, he started to feel some vibes on his head. He stopped his motorbike and those vibes started to resonate on Kazu's head, giving him a headache.

Kazuya: This feeling... no... it cannot be... It's impossible!

The young man turned on again his motorbike and he went to one place. He stopped, and the vibes started to resonate even more stronger. Kazuya kneel down, and in that moment... a portal was opened.

Kazu saw with attention, and he saw that 2 persons passed through that portal.

???: Well, well, well. Look who gived us a cute welcome, brother.

Kazu was surprised, because those persons are his uncle Scarlet, and his father, Midnight.

Kazuya: Scarlet... you son of a b*tch... I've thought I wouldn't never see you again...

Midnight went to help his son to stand up.

Midnight: Kazu...

Kazuya: Hello... dad...

*Midnight started to cry again, and he hugged his son*


Midnight: I've missed you so much... son.

Scarlet smiled for them.

Scarlet: Oww... what a cute family reunion.

Kazuya: My gosh, dad... what happened to you...?

Midnight: Your uncle made me reconsider my thoughts, and now it's time to amend my mistakes. I want to know you... son.

Kazuya: I see.

Scarlet: Hey, dear nephew. We need one home to live.

Kazu: Well, you can come to live with me, my mother, and my wife.

Scarlet: You've got married? With who?

Kazuya: With... Azure... *blush*

*Midnight and Scarlet congratulated him for that. After that, Midnight opened a portal with the Yamato, and then, Kazu's house appeared on the other side of the portal*

Midnight: I guess that's your house.

Kazuya: Yup, that's the one.

*Kazu passed the portal with his motorbike, and then, Mid and Scar made that too*

Kazu *passing through the door of his house*: I'm at home!

Azure: Oh, dear! Welco-... h-huh...?

Midnight: Cool house.

Scarlet: Yeah, it's huge!


Midnight and Scarlet: Hello.

Kazuya: Well, they're back from the Underworld. Can they live with us...? Please...

Azure: Sure... they can live here...

Kazuya: Oh, thank you so much!

Breeze: Why everybody are scream-...? *sees Midnight and Scarlet*

Midnight *blushed*: B-Breeze... hello...

Scarlet: Hello there, Breezy.

Breeze: ...Oh... Midnight... you're here...

Midnight: Yup.

Breeze: With Scarlet.

Scarlet: Exactly.

Breeze: Oh, okay... well, welcome to our house.

Midnight and Scarlet: Thanks.

Kazu: *coughs and pushes a little Midnight to Breeze*

Midnight *in front of his wife*: Eh... ehehehehe... so... what's up?

Breeze *blushed*: ...

Midnight: Oh, come here! *hugs her*

Breeze: *infinite blush* I've missed you so much.

Midnight: Me too...

Scarlet: Nobody missed Scarlet?!

Azure: I've did.

Kazuya *a little jealous*: Me too.

Scarlet: Oh, thanks.

Azure: Well, dinner will be ready in a minutes! Please, wait.

Midnight: Well, I wanna take a bath.

Kazuya: The bathroom is right there *points with his finger the bathroom*

Midnight: Thanks.

Breeze: I'll leave you clothes.

Midnight: Thanks, again.

*1 hour later, Scarlet was talking about the time he was in the Underworld with Midnight. Kazu showed Scarlet pictures of his wedding with Azure. Midnight was taking a bath, and Breeze was reading a magazine. Suddenly, a "ding" was heard*

Azure: The dinner's ready!

Midnight *with blue shorts and a black sleeveless shirt*: I'm out of bathroom.

Kazu: Nice.

*1 hour later of a cute dinner time, everybody were ready to sleep. It was already 00:00 AM. Kazu and Azure were on their bed, Scarlet was on his bed, Breeze was sleeping on another bed, but Midnight was smoking on the roof, watching the full moon*

Midnight *smoking*: Hmm... Can I change my destiny...?

???: Yes, you can.

Midnight: Hm...? Breeze... is that you...?

Breeze *sits next to him*: Yeah... so... you still smoke.

Midnight: It makes me remember when I smoked with Asuma-sensei, while we were playing chess.

Breeze: I've heard a lot of interesting things of Scarlet's mouth. It's that true... that you cried before to return to our world?

Midnight: ... Yes, it's true... *turns off the cigarrette and eats a mint candy*

Breeze: Oh... and why you were crying?

Midnight: I've made a lot of mistakes on my life. It's time to pay for them. I want to pass more time with my son and with you. I want to know what type of life had my son.

Breeze: "Our" son.

Midnight: Yeah, our son.

Breeze: Hey, buddy... *takes his hands* Let me tell you 2 things...

Midnight *blushed*: ...

Breeze: First of all... I've missed you so much. I was praying for wait the day you'll back to my arms. And now you're finally here.

Midnight: ...

Breeze: And the second thing is... Devils never cry.

Midnight: Breeze... you and Kazuya won't be alone again.

*Breeze smiled and she kissed him on the lips*

The end.

This post was last edited by IndraBlaze24 on 2019-09-24 02:01:54.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-24 16:46:10Show All Posts
  • XylinSky On 2019-09-24 16:15:45
  • Super bro

Thanks bro.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-25 21:15:03Show All Posts
  • ScarletBlaze476 On 2019-09-25 20:49:40
  • Hey bro

    Your fanfics are Amazing

    Can I send it to the Spanish forum and French??

    Thanks again

Sure thing. If you have discord, I can make it for you. I know spanish :)

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-25 21:52:28Show All Posts
  • ScarletBlaze476 On 2019-09-25 21:43:49
  • THANKS THANKS And do not worry I'm taking care

    Thanks bro

    I will say that you are the creator

Got it bro

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-28 00:55:35Show All Posts
  • Hina Devil On 2019-09-28 00:36:56
  • awesome XD I always wanted to let Midnight come where he is protected and loved after so many things. It was great to be back home

You got that right. He deserves being loved and protected... like M.

Quicky Post

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