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[ Strategy Share ] [WIND MAIN] Why the empress build is terrible


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 20:58:45Show All Posts
As a former wind user who ran the empress team, the major problem of running an Empress team was you were way too predictable. Not to mention as soon as your main dies which is quite often, your damage output was pretty much gone.

Wind doesn't have many options besides raw damage. People like to say wind has cleanse or clones but lets face it Most players 55+ use single target or aoe mysteries to eliminate the biggest threat. Wind has the lowest health and defenses amongst all classes so they die really quickly. This is much more noticeable higher levels when our growth stats become more and more important. Stars are based off growth stats which can be increased by awakening.

One of the teams I used before switching classes is this. This team can be modified for any class, its mainly a Burst Dps team with some healing.

Orichimaru sannin (70 elite clearance reward), Tsunade sannin (69 normal clearance reward) and Tobi (survival shop or chapter 8 clearance reward).

I'll leave skills up to you but I would recommend shoot down rasegan to combo off Orichimaru standard repulse. Place is orichimaru and tobi up front because they can revive and higher iniative bonus.

Quicky Post

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