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[ Strategy Share ] [WIND MAIN] Why the empress build is terrible


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2016-09-17 12:20:52Show All Posts
I've been using Oro's passive with the easily dying clones quite a bit for a while now, glad to see that someone actually posted about it. I'll have to try your lineups as soon as I get the ninjas required (lacking GNW Kankuro and Gakido Pain still). Personally, Empress does a lot of damage for me, but it's too easily countered for sure, I'm tired of seeing it always being suggested in this section.

Do you have Kisame? Have you tried using him with Orochimaru + Clones? I've been testing teams for this in arena, but I haven't really been able to find anything too decent.
Thanks for sharing btw!
This post was last edited by Amadeu at 2016-9-17 12:22
Quicky Post

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