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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-29 20:12:48Show All Posts
  • T_0_M_B_0_L_0_C On 2019-09-29 18:13:51
  • i believe the sun and moon cap is meant to limit how far you can go per day.. imagine people addicted to the game

    or imagine working people or schooling and having no time for all the events thus cap. or more events got added.

    on the other hand working adults who are actually interested should have no problem with monthly n platinum.

    when grinding surpass coupon spending "too far" the game loses money too or force only super free people to excel in the game.

    so other reason for cap is probably they want to limit the speed of powering up and paying off long term grinders.

    the stone shop is where the real excess grinders should get their rewards but

    right now.. the stone shop is down right close to useless or expensive, only would go for mood scroll there.

    rename cards and colour titles ought to be much cheaper at least half the price coz else who would even go for those.

    Its also ezier to grind the coupon for rename card than the 1700 stones in strange shop so silly duh!

    in a game where you can role play ninja other than compete, making fun titles and cloths and rename card inaccessible is a no no.

    oasis should start seeing some features as merely supportive role to enhance the game rather than to pay for.

    half the stone shop price on most things and add at least one or two choice power item at "fair" price would be nice.

If the cap on both coins was lifted you would be able to get how many... 10k sun coins? 12k? That's 4-6k more than now and it translates to 12 charm packs or 40 refines. 1.2k cp at most. Moon coin cap depends on events but lets assume you can hit 90k on average. Thats 110keys more, which is about another 1.2k So it adds up to slightly less than 10k cp per month.

Full naruto froggies get you about 18k cp per month for doing nothing. Monthly cards give you 5400 for doing nothing. Assuming your spender is lazy, he still comes on top.

Nobody says persistent grind is reserved to ftp. Many top p2w grind the hell out of each event and they are more eficient in it due to their status. So this is a win/win for everybody, and mostly feeling what you do matters for your account. You already can grind wild units in the map to level up ninjas other than main in order to save food. Why shouldnt same approach be possible regarding dailies and their rewards?

This post was last edited by Zathroth on 2019-09-29 20:13:43.
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