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[ Events ] Advanced Refine Redemption Rate


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-22 12:53:41Show All PostsDescending Order
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I will try not to rant in this post, but my question is why can we redeem more epic refines than adv. refines daily. You can claim more basic and medium refines than you can with adv refines, so what makes epic refines different? Now don't misinterpret I am not saying reduce epic refines redemption rate. What I am saying is increase the adv refine redemption rate. We get 3 daily (same as before the epic refine rebate) and maybe 1-2 adv refines from monthly event. I will be generous and say 5-6 adv refines daily. You need 1700 adv refines to get to lvl 10 (can be less). That is 283-340 days to get to level 10 on 1 equipment slot. Now I was fine with before refines got level 11-13 since I figured level 10 was end game, but now it isn't. I think we should be allowed at least 10 adv refines daily. It is already hard enough to get to lvl 10 for f2p, but now we have to go even higher.

This is just my opinion and I wonder if anyone else feels the same. Just isn't fair that the redemption rate for adv refines hasn't changed since after the update.

Quicky Post

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