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[ Player Guide ] Level 13 Refines Cost


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  • Registered: 2020-05-14
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On 2020-05-23 20:16:24Show All Posts
  • Goku07 On 2019-09-22 00:45:22
  • 151k USD = 7.56 million ingots

    Please add total stats we get from each level of refine ( lv11 - lv13 ).

this has to be a joke right?

£3000 for a single character was already extortionate but this should be outright illegal.

the current exchange rate means 151k usd= 124k gbp.

so either you work for oasis and get stuff for free or they expect you to take out second and third mortgages to pursue just one of the avenues of powering up?

I live in a relatively nice area and you can buy nice, fully furnished, 3 bedroom houses for not that much more than this.

Hell, for the price of maxing just one avenue of power up for just one of your characters you could afford a brand new car *and* to go on a high end holiday for weeks

Gee I wonder why more people are not pursuing this, we are obviously all millionaires. a few hundred thousand pounds here and there is nothing, lets all go recharge fellow rich people.

Sarcasm aside, oasis can not possible think this is a good business plan, adding a feature that the only people who can take advantage of it are their own staff and plants, I could train a ferret to understand adding a feature to an MMO that not even the top 1%,. more like the top 0.001% percent could even try to pursue is just sheer idiocy

This post was last edited by IQuit on 2020-05-23 20:28:43.
Quicky Post

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