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[ Ninja Exam ] Ninja Exam 300.... Finally


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-20 22:37:46Show All PostsDescending Order
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After months of trying and many hours of making this face:


I was finally able to beat Ninja Exam 300


It can be done. You just need to be paitent and time the counter attack of the 2nd group of ninjas.

Neither my Gaara or Konan are fully broken, but they do have SB on them. I have Jonin Minato w/ Bond Skill as well:



This lineup only worked for me after I was able to time everything down and know when to have my main release their healing mystery, and then follow it with the Minato Mystery (target LM), and then Gaara's mystery (target Edo Hiruzen).

After all of that, it was just making sure everyone was still tagged and have Konan release her mystery on Orochimaru.

Orochimaru heals w/ every death so saving Minato's rotating mystery for him on the next go is ideal.

This set of mysteries only works after making sure you have all your mysteries going into the next set of opponents and letting them get all their attacks off until edo tobi attacks. Once edo tobi has done both attacks, THEN you can start your mysteries w/ main, so on and so forth.

It is KEY that your main, jonin minato, and konan survive as well as avoid chases and/or standard attacks from your opponents. If not, RINSE and REPEAT until it becomes that ideal situation.

I followed this youtube: and watched it a few times to get the timing down.

I hope this helps all of you in your efforts to get through the ninja exam. I know its rough if you don't have the right characters or your BP is lacking.

Sometimes you don't need to be a whale to make a big splash.

Good luck to all of you, on to 380 or 400 or whatever bs is left to try and beat next...

Quicky Post

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