Level 13 refines...
80% of people who answered the refine update poll voted against the proposal.
Refine is an extremely expensive and obsolete system. Many people don't even have a first position with full level 10 refines in view of cost and delay of achieving this feat, who wants to reach level 13.
Many people on my server were very dissatisfied with this news and considered abandoning the game, which would be terrible since my server already has a very low number of players.
What players really want in my opinion are new ninjas, so they can form new teams and have fun with friends.
If the game is not making enough profit
for the company, please let us know. Try to listen more to the opinions of the
players, because after all they are the ones who consume your products, and if
they are satisfied with the company and have feeling that it listen to them
they will fell happier and more willing to invest in the game.
That's all, TY for your attention.
"80% of people who answered the refine update poll voted against the proposal"
daiske's reply: "it was unofficial"
Yea,its like,you go to a bar,order a drink,and bartender give you water.And when you ask why,he say to you,your request is unofficial.Basicaly,you pay for a service,but get what bartender decides.Oasis apply same "logic"
the second it was placed in the official news section, by a company rep/employee, without stating anywhere "this is not an official poll and will not affect the outcome of the decision at all" you committed false advertis3ment... you can try to argue your point however you want but you just wanted to make it look like you cared about the community input before knowingly disregarding it and shoving the update down our throats.
One day one of the players in this game is going to bring a collection of the various mod posts to a lawyer and that will spell the end of oasis as a game translator, since that's all they seem to be. If you speak to an outside customer in your official capacity as an oasis employee and insinuate anything and then pull a bait and switch after, that's false advertising plain and simple. Every single player who has spent a dime in this game can right now do a charge back and claim breach of service and the bank will agree. If a bank is willing to agree to it at the risk of losing their own money, a court is going to be equally willing.
Keep doing you Oasis, and thanks for the breath of fresh air again daiske.
"80% of people who answered the refine update poll voted against the proposal"
daiske's reply: "it was unofficial"
of course they can flip their words whatever the hell the want since its going to be release whenever you like it or not,
they be like, oh you're quitting? sure go ahead i don't care
Its kinda s7upid guys, why did you give us the survey when the decision is not ours. Sorry but that was not a wise move.
the thing is goldy refine why not, but 62 cps per refine, and to lvl up 10 to 11, you need 1k500 ... its too much greedy from Oasis. Plus game is buggy af, i mean i won last night SWB to tryhard for goldy refine and nop ... only pinky refine ... seriously reduce it to 100-500-1000 refine and we good to go. Coz honestly right now your new refine feature is useless nobody can afford to spent 55k $$ just for a set of equipment (yes for one ninja you gonna need around 50 000$, just imagine the drama if it was EA or some1 else famous)
Honestly i dont understand Oasis, they should aim for the top ... Its more likely, we gonna disbann the compagny soon enough, lets try to get more money as soon as possible before we drop the game ...
Oasis should take exemple on CdProjekt, the smallest compagnies became the biggest.
Oasis has to change their mindset about the game business otherwise they gonna die.
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