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An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2


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  • Registered: 2017-12-03
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On 2019-09-20 02:18:29Show All Posts
  • Daiske On 2019-09-19 07:49:06
  • We usually announce if survey has any impact on our decision-making or if it is official. This time, there were no words from us except that one comment from me. To explain that comment - while it is true that this survey was not official, we still wanted it to be as realistic as possible (that is why it was allowed to be posted on forum) and I also wanted to help mods so they do not have to to go trough a lot of hate comments (not only comments via survey but also comments in thread were getting out of hand and forum rules are here for a reason). My comment in no context should be considered as making this survey as something official or this survey having any impact on our decisions.

    We did one survey regarding this update in the past, therefore, we don't think there was need for another survey.

if you're going to pull stuff out of thin air you should at least pretend to make your lies passable either that or you aren't competent to be doing anything related to your role with this company. did you seriously think making a poll where it was overwhelmingly obvious this feature wasn't wanted then saying we are doing it anyways, would generate less hate then just implementing it. don't smack someone then apologize it's called growing a back bone. at the very least if you guys just implemented the feature which you knew you were doing regardless then we could be annoyed and moved on. and i've complained about this before but ANYTHING your mod team or you or anyone from your company posts is taken as holy writ and UNDER NO CIR*STANCE should ANYONE from YOUR COMPANY be posting things that are "unofficial" or "Just for fun" without it being EXPLICITLY stated as such because otherwise we will think its real because... ITS THE COMPANY YOU'RE REPRESENTING.

  • Registered: 2017-12-03
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On 2019-09-23 04:18:27Show All Posts
  • TobiragoOda On 2019-09-23 03:15:47
  • Ok, we got a small additional help in the matter: adv runes you get from Sage seem to have gotten little buff. 20 for 1st place, 15 for 2nd. 3rd and below seem to have stayed the same. Helps, but only small amount of players.

in fact it's really only helping the players that are the ones that are spending a ton of money already since whales always end up first and 2nd place at least on my server so it's like they buffed the players that were already spending and said who cares to everyone else.

Quicky Post

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