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An Open Letter to Oasis Part 2


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-19 01:13:20Show All Posts

And news topic for next week is locked already. Fast moves in denying players of speaking, but little to none of hearing what players wanted to say.

I'm expecting new ways we can get there new runes & advenced runes before them stay at 1 or 2 per day. That makes it take years to max out 1 pos. From what I heard last time refinement update was pushed, china decided against it and they are about 1 year ahead of us with many more players lv10 refines th* are at this point. This seems to be WAY too soon to be put on the game, if it should be put on at all.

You made your bed, if you see players leaving and whales leaving after because there aren't so many players to win against, you got only yourselfs to blame. We at least tried to warn you, time after time again. There might be a reason why china seems to be way more popular than our version. You should have tried to reach that, but decided to "go your own way".

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-19 01:38:02Show All Posts

Will the amount of runes we can get daily also counted? Number of advanded runes we can get from Group shop alone has already lower than it once was. 1-2 adv runes/day means we'll still be years away from lv10 runes, so we can even use epic runes at all.

I hope this amount of displeasure about this at least makes Oasis more generous in amount of runes they end up giving in different events/shops/mechanics daily, if nothing else. It would still be better th*most nothing we usually get. Needing only 1 year to use epic runes woudn't be gamebreaking, needing many years to even use them might be.

Please, for once do a right decision and think about balance. Epic runes being PTW only would brake what balance between whales and all of the other players (FTP, low/mid/heavy-but-not-whale spenders) have. I don't want this game to end up a ghost town with whales only, where all others are sweeped away if they dare to show themselfs till they quit because constant losing without any chance isn't fun.

Edit: In news Space-time shop was told to be a way to trade low/mid runes to avd/epic runes. That is one example I could think of. Currently we can get only 1 avd rune/day, no matter of space-time points we have. Having more ways to get runes we need might not be enough, you should think of the numbers as well.

This post was last edited by TobiragoOda on 2019-09-19 01:44:25.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-19 15:35:48Show All Posts

One of the biggest whales in our server told he's done with recharging after seeing what was done to the game. And I doubt he he'll be only one.

Oasis had choice of 2 things to do:

1) Keep things similar as they are, but keep making updates to keep game relevant. This way recharges would keep happening normally. Income=normal.

2) Push PTW content and pos 1 updates, so only most heavy whales keep recharging. This way low/mid/heavy-but-not-whales spenders and some of the whales would stop recharging, because there's no more point. Income=drops.

It seems we all saw what option Oasis did. And choice of doing things like china and push more FTP and low spender content to keep high playerbase and tempt FTP into low spenders and get income from large number of players instead of only few didn't even come to their mind, because "We're different from China".

Instead of doing base minimum to keep game on, they now have to work hard to keep players/get more players/make old players return. Well, it's their choice and so are their consequences. Seeing news of so many whales quitting/stopping recharging should have been enough of a warning of what not to do, but they did it anyway...

Edit: One of the things Oasis could have done is keep avd refines in group shop at 10/day. That way more people could have gotten lv10 refines by now and backlash for epic refines would have been lower. Instead they were nerfed to 2/day and that caused even less players to have refines needed for epics. No wonder backlashes for refines were so big at both times. No surprise there. Current game gives impression of quick cash-in instead of a game we should stay in and keep spending on. Good luck fixing situation you created. Instead of working smart, you decided to work hard.

This post was last edited by TobiragoOda on 2019-09-19 15:51:49.
  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-20 21:57:24Show All Posts

Do you know what I think was the saddest part in all of this? Oasis should have know what would happen, since Tencent tried to put epic refinements in CN. They are about 1 year ahead of us, have higher overall power and likely have more players with lv10 refines. And epic refines were STILL removed/not put in/something else. Tencent had to work hard to make game better, so players would stay/keep playing/keep starting to play. That's how the current version of CN Naruto online came to be.

Oasis could have learned from this and missed this whole thing, but ended up doing the same mistake(s). Now Oasis has to make the same fixes if they want to save our version of the game.

We might have started as "different from CN", but we eiher are going to be similar to them or game is about to end. Personally I hope for the fixes. Recently we have gotten more bad than good, so getting more good than bad would be a nice surprise.

If community thinks game is good, that don't mind spending in it. If they think game is bad, they either stop playing or go FTP. This should have been clear, since it has happened in so many other games before. Succesful games care about their community and want to keep their reputation good. Here's hoping Oasis wakes up...

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-23 03:15:47Show All Posts

Ok, we got a small additional help in the matter: adv runes you get from Sage seem to have gotten little buff. 20 for 1st place, 15 for 2nd. 3rd and below seem to have stayed the same. Helps, but only small amount of players.

Quicky Post

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