Title says it. Lv 43, cannot see 3v3, is there a specific reason for this? Even i would like to participate into this.
This is something i would like to see changed. There's no reason for 3v3 to be level restricted.
Some people don't want to level, so why cut Events out from those players.
I understand functions of core game being level restricted. Unlocking them at certain level is quite common sense, but in Event section, this doesn't make sense.
Why would there be level restriction for things, such as 3v3 or other weekly events that gives players that weekly excitement. When designing events, there needs to be a reason for them to be restricted and in this case, 3v3 doesn't have one.
Yea, beats me. I just hope they would not restrict Events like this. I enjoy playing on lower lvl, it's just personal thing. I don not think i should be punished for personal preference, when it comes to weekly Events.
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