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Views: 20015 | Replies: 30
Case to permanently cancel updating refinement levels


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-10 22:10:36Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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I wanted to provide a longer reason than I gave in the feedback on why we should permanently cancel updating refine rune levels, so here goes.

First, this game simply does not support adding the levels. Not in a reasonable or practical way anyway. It took me 9-months to complete just one piece of equipment. That means I have 19 more pieces to go. That's like a little over fourteen years to complete all positions at the rate I'm going. It takes this long because the grind in the game is a bit grueling. Even getting the top spots in sage, you'll still have to save for months to top a single equipment. Also, the group shop and space time shop has them, but you can only buy one at a time and with little frequency. We also get one or two of them here and there in events, so there is help in the game getting the runes, but that help quite frankly is negligible. At best, it shaves off a month or two in the 14-year long process lol. You c*so buy the runes in sage treasure for great discounts, but it would take away from saving for far more beneficial systems and rebates and so I often forego them anyways.

Second, we should cancel updating the levels because people build accounts in games like these to feel some sense of accomplishment. Adding levels in a category that takes forever to accomplish just undermines that. What have players got to show for playing the game if they've ultimately have their accomplishments revoked or the goal post moved? Nothing. I was pretty happy to get my first level 10 refine. Yeah, it took me 9 months to do it and adding levels would mean I haven't even finished a single piece yet. No point in striving for certain goals when that goal post is always moved.

Last, even if the we were given more opportunities to get runes, we still struggle to max equipment. We see them in more events and have more opportunities to get them, but the resources to get them remain the same (e.g. same amount of coupons daily or moon coins weekly) so that undermines the game putting them in more events. I have also seen thisgame provide extra ways of getting new things at the beginning of its introduction before phasing it out. So, I rather the refine rune category be left alone.

If you made it this far and agree, fill out that refine questionnaire and vote against increasing the levels. Otherwise ignore my post altogether lol.

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On 2019-09-10 23:33:24Show this Author Only

i would rather want to see this publisher increase the cap for moon and sun scrolls so that we can harvest more goodies in grocery (this will benefit all players, both F2P and P2W alike)

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On 2019-09-10 23:48:48Show this Author Only

They will probably put refine lvl 13 anyway to get money and they will say they are going to make refine runes more available even if most of us are against it.

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On 2019-09-11 03:45:09Show this Author Only

Just another wave of fresh air it seems, instead of making fights based on strategy they force brainless stacked 1st position...

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On 2019-09-11 03:45:20Show this Author Only

Majority of players are against this. And this is tried again this soon? Did you not hear us last time or not saw what happened in China when they tried this?

Wait at least around a year before even asking again. Maybe at that point more players have lv10 refinements and this has a chance of going through. If it's done now, all I see is lots of players quitting the game as protest.

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On 2019-09-11 05:13:04Show this Author Only
  • Zara-chan On 2019-09-10 23:33:24
  • i would rather want to see this publisher increase the cap for moon and sun scrolls so that we can harvest more goodies in grocery (this will benefit all players, both F2P and P2W alike)

amen to that finaly someone that thinks right

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On 2019-09-11 05:24:21Show this Author Only

this will seriously make players stack 1 position even more than before. Position 1 online

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On 2019-09-11 14:33:12Show this Author Only

A BIRD told me this system will be implemented NO MATTER WHAT WE GONNA DO, CRY, or BEG. Also that BIRD said the on going survey is a fair warning that this feature is coming soon.

I am STRONGLY AGAINST THIS but that BIRD said it is inevitable.

Well, just ponder on this: Christmas is coming! It's the Seasons of RECHARGING (cough) Giving, i mean! Yehey! Makes sense now?

I am just waiting here how the Mods will try to convince this community that the survey is real and not a fake show.

This post was last edited by GAME FREECSS on 2019-09-11 15:14:50.
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On 2019-09-11 18:50:42Show this Author Only

Well our opinion doesnt matter anyway,When they want to implement they will thats it.Its that simple.

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On 2019-09-11 19:35:14Show this Author Only

This will probably get added by the end of the year from the looks of things and weekly ninja release despite our opinion of NO, WE SAID NO (cough xgnw cough)

the survey is useless and just for shows and they will release the refine, the reason? 'many people agreed to release it for fresh air'

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On 2019-09-11 19:40:35Show this Author Only

We need new Oasis management!

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On 2019-09-11 21:19:58Show this Author Only

Im IN!

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On 2019-09-11 21:20:43Show this Author Only
  • Solimaster On 2019-09-11 19:40:35
  • We need new Oasis management!


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On 2019-09-11 23:15:28Show this Author Only

Im ok with 13 tho let lvl 10 still have *y glow pwees

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On 2019-09-12 04:08:19Show this Author Only

Its the whole Rune Cap upgrade and the X-Server thing all over again.

Despite being told a HARD NO, they went ahead and had it implemented already and only held it off til people didn't talk about it.

Oasis had claimed that the backlash wasn't "as bad" which is why Rune Cap was increased. They showed they didn't care about the community since the first poll about x-server.

Had Oasis stuck with 20 servers for each region MAX and actually treated this like a proper MMO, the game would be in far better shape.

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On 2019-09-12 05:14:51Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-12 04:08:19
  • Its the whole Rune Cap upgrade and the X-Server thing all over again.

    Despite being told a HARD NO, they went ahead and had it implemented already and only held it off til people didn't talk about it.

    Oasis had claimed that the backlash wasn't "as bad" which is why Rune Cap was increased. They showed they didn't care about the community since the first poll about x-server.

    Had Oasis stuck with 20 servers for each region MAX and actually treated this like a proper MMO, the game would be in far better shape.

If they treated it like an actual mmo then team diversity would be a thing an not just when you hit 200k+ power an are no longer bothered about powering up.

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On 2019-09-12 06:40:51Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-09-12 04:08:19
  • Its the whole Rune Cap upgrade and the X-Server thing all over again.

    Despite being told a HARD NO, they went ahead and had it implemented already and only held it off til people didn't talk about it.

    Oasis had claimed that the backlash wasn't "as bad" which is why Rune Cap was increased. They showed they didn't care about the community since the first poll about x-server.

    Had Oasis stuck with 20 servers for each region MAX and actually treated this like a proper MMO, the game would be in far better shape.

But we need X-Server though.

Active players in my single server probably around 10-15. Probably not even close to 10 when what below top 10 their powers have not changed at all.

If no X-server for Sage, players would have to duplicate accounts for sage to be available.

And it seems like players don't mind x-server much these days either.

This post was last edited by Broken Screen on 2019-09-12 06:41:25.
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On 2019-09-12 06:54:25Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2019-09-12 06:40:51
  • But we need X-Server though.

    Active players in my single server probably around 10-15. Probably not even close to 10 when what below top 10 their powers have not changed at all.

    If no X-server for Sage, players would have to duplicate accounts for sage to be available.

    And it seems like players don't mind x-server much these days either.

I'm for x-server since they created the situation where it is needed due to them adding lots of servers BUT the fact that they asked the community if they want x-server sage (the community said no) and still went through with it is what matters most. Why are you asking my opinion when you already have plans?

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2019-09-12 08:46:13.
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On 2019-09-12 06:55:02Show this Author Only
  • Broken Screen On 2019-09-12 06:40:51
  • But we need X-Server though.

    Active players in my single server probably around 10-15. Probably not even close to 10 when what below top 10 their powers have not changed at all.

    If no X-server for Sage, players would have to duplicate accounts for sage to be available.

    And it seems like players don't mind x-server much these days either.

The idea of X-Server removes the sense of community. (Look at how much people hate X-Server on stuff like WoW) And that is just 1 of the arguments against it.

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On 2019-09-12 08:37:46Show this Author Only
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