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[ Strategy Share ] Hanzo SA Strong Approaching Fast Team


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-12 09:28:57Show All Posts
  • Dumbledore Calr On 2019-09-12 01:45:22
  • immobile stops shizune and karin from using mystery though so make sure theres none of those control debuffs in the chases

not stopping their mystery means you get another layer of poison on your team, which means less HP when SA is done. So how is that "perfect"? I usually use Kushina with some sb, Edo Deid w/ some sb, Sakura Cloak with some sb, and earth main, usually able to immobilize AND ignite both Shizune and Karin, and end SA expert within 5 rounds with maximum HP.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-09-13 02:31:41Show All Posts
  • żółw On 2019-09-12 17:48:34
  • And his team will finish all weekly SAs around the time you are done with your second attempt. But if getting "perfect" score takes priority over time efficiency then by all means your team is way better.

Kill all enemies each wave within 1 round is the fastest any team can hope for anyway, so I don't really see how much faster it could be. It's not like you can kill 2 waves in 1 round.

And then there's the fact that many people wants team that can finish the SA on auto, and the team I listed can actually do that (well, not the entire battle, I still have to play manually the first wave, and queue Kushina when second wave begins, but after that, it's auto and go do other stuff, come back in 30 seconds or a minute to start new SA). How much faster do you even need to be anyway?

Team like Kushina, Minato, Madara Founder, Wind main 32131 bird summon c*so finish the battle while fully on auto. Efficiency is sometimes being able to multitask, and being able to be lazy and leave it on auto, you know?

In other words, the way I see it, people either don't care enough to play manually and just want a team they can put on auto and go do other things, or if they actually do want to play manually, they might as well try to get the best score out of it. This team fits neither category.

This post was last edited by MonkeyLord83 on 2019-09-13 03:14:05.
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