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[ Events ] Naruto[Ronin] 80k Ingots???


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  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-30 11:17:28Show All PostsDescending Order
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So with this weeks event we are seeing a way of directly purchasing Naruto[Ronin].

In Shinobi Feast - Lucky Feast you can buy up to 2 Naruto[Ronin] for 1000 ingots each which is 300 more than Itachi Uchiha [Susano'o].

This officially marks Naruto[Ronin] as the most expensive ninja purchasable through events.

Naruto[Ronin] was released on Chinese Servers originally for 2400 ingots only. Not sure how money is compared with the English version, but this brings Naruto[Ronin] way above the stock stand 20k which has slowly creep to about 22k for premium or event type ninjas.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-30 19:09:22Show All Posts

As it stands I'm pretty sure a lot of event ninjas are priced at 2400 in China as it seems to be a standard of sort. Still Naruto[Ronin] is super premium requiring the theoretical usage of 800USD.

Simply refusing information because they are different versions shows you are not willing to learn. Its good to compare different versions as to get an idea of what the economy looks like. Although its true you can only get 14 fragments through this method it is still the only direct quantifies we have on the English side.

I still like to also draw a parallel to china since it is essentially the original version.

A good thing to point out is that Chojuro SB/ST have not been released yet here, but in was released way before Naruto[Ronin] in China. Both in essence server the same role and the early introduction to Naruto[Ronin] even at an incredible high cost pushes out Chojuro chance to shine.

  • Registered: 2017-07-24
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On 2019-08-30 19:53:17Show All Posts

That's a terrible comparison

First of all position 1 stacking is still a thing in all regions

Second of all everyone dying round 1 with zero counter play, have you even experience the time of Tenten GNW meta or heaven forbids the ORIGINAL Lighting main blitz. There is a reason why lightning main is recommended when starting out.

Quicky Post

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