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[ PVP ] Arena


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On 2019-08-27 18:16:28Show this Author OnlyDescending Order
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Why is arena so broken and unfair to new servers?
our arena has been crossed server even before the day timer expires

we haven't made our first step to whatever progress we're trying to get and we keep bumping onto people with

S~S+ tier ninjas did the game just prohibit new servers from getting rewards out of arena?

or whoever made the match making algorithm was this genius to make this happen

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On 2019-08-27 19:28:52Show this Author Only

Sounds like a you problem than an Oasis problem.

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On 2019-08-28 02:04:46Show this Author Only

not sure if getting matched with people with KoH or whatever gold summons they have approx. 3-6mos ahead
and we my server only have 1-2 gold summon max this seems a me problem to me getting queue'd to 3-6months server ahead of us.

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On 2019-08-28 10:20:08Show this Author Only


To correct your information, you'll not only meet 3 to 6 months old players but also meet older players. The Arena, both Ranked and Training is Region Wide Matching, I'm pretty sure that each and everyone is also facing this kind of problem. Even me personally, getting matched with players with more initiative than me from older servers than mine so, it is not just only for newer servers but also for everyone. Not to mention that players from newer servers can ạlso get great ninjas at their very first month of playing.

This post was last edited by Waka_Man on 2019-08-28 10:20:44.
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On 2019-08-28 18:59:19Show this Author Only

Thanks for clarifying! i just thought its always about this cluster thing that makes you play with each other never thought of having a region wide thing.

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On 2019-08-28 20:48:36Show this Author Only
  • Waka_Man On 2019-08-28 10:20:08
  • Hello!

    To correct your information, you'll not only meet 3 to 6 months old players but also meet older players. The Arena, both Ranked and Training is Region Wide Matching, I'm pretty sure that each and everyone is also facing this kind of problem. Even me personally, getting matched with players with more initiative than me from older servers than mine so, it is not just only for newer servers but also for everyone. Not to mention that players from newer servers can ạlso get great ninjas at their very first month of playing.

So balance it out... you got the math behind it and ofc logic... almost 4 years ago the same topic was brough up.... it even stated that as time passed it will do more bad than good, so implement a proper matchmaking, it will eze the community, and the current reputation(Oasis do not listen) will drop a bit. Constantly providing the same answer to players wont help, and you can clearly see if you look back a bit, the same topic is in repeat!

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On 2019-08-28 21:23:50Show this Author Only

U can't blame him, he's just a mod. Blame those * developers.

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On 2019-08-28 21:57:54Show this Author Only

the only thing i don't understand is why they allow new people to meet uchiha * [madara and the boys or sometimes you get susano'o itachi] people

and you're there trying to make it up to get a decent reward to compete on your month old server using kimimaro - and sasuke 4*

i just don't get the why they tend to open NEW servers that aren't friendly to NEW people. we have given up on bonds jesus thats another side of genius match making algorithm made.

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On 2019-08-28 22:01:23Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-27 19:28:52
  • Sounds like a you problem than an Oasis problem.

sounds like a you-cannot-comprehend problem than an oasis problem.

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On 2019-08-29 05:43:37Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-28 21:57:54
  • the only thing i don't understand is why they allow new people to meet uchiha * [madara and the boys or sometimes you get susano'o itachi] people

    and you're there trying to make it up to get a decent reward to compete on your month old server using kimimaro - and sasuke 4*

    i just don't get the why they tend to open NEW servers that aren't friendly to NEW people. we have given up on bonds jesus thats another side of genius match making algorithm made.

People that start on new servers that are willing to pay but then don't keep up (not within the top 5 or so) are more likely to start on new servers so they can be on very top. Due to this, Oasis will create more servers so these people can spend more.

This post was last edited by Danzō on 2019-08-29 05:44:13.
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On 2019-08-29 07:07:15Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-28 22:01:23
  • sounds like a you-cannot-comprehend problem than an oasis problem.

If you're getting destroyed in Arena by players who have played longer than you, that shows its a YOU problem and that YOU need to get better. Games don't conform to YOU. YOU conform to the game.

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On 2019-08-29 15:09:01Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-29 07:07:15
  • If you're getting destroyed in Arena by players who have played longer than you, that shows its a YOU problem and that YOU need to get better. Games don't conform to YOU. YOU conform to the game.

oh you mean you'll match 1 month player to a 6 month old player and you expect them to simply conform? instead of having an unbiased match making where 1 month gets to fight 1 month or at least 2 months player and make it a close?

your genius level is just waaaaaaaaaaay beyond this planet to have.

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On 2019-08-29 15:47:01Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-29 15:09:01
  • oh you mean you'll match 1 month player to a 6 month old player and you expect them to simply conform? instead of having an unbiased match making where 1 month gets to fight 1 month or at least 2 months player and make it a close?

    your genius level is just waaaaaaaaaaay beyond this planet to have.

Arena has scaled stats (minus initiative), so the only thing you have to worry about is ninjas (more or less.) But yes, you must conform the game, better yourself and you'll have an easier time. I was in your shoes back in 2016 or 2017 and guess what. I didn't whine or moan about how unfair it was. I bettered myself getting as many ninjas as possible. In 2.0 I ran 2 teams.

water main, Sage Naruto, Kabuto, and Hinata. This dealt with LM Blitz teams with ease. Then I built a 2nd team using Fire Main, Konan, Ningendo, and Shurado for Mei/Mabuit/Tenten. Would CC the mabui round 1 with fire main, then I would use Shurado to interrupt the Mabui if not, I used Shurado on GNW Tenten to interrupt. Generally beating my opponent's every time.

Then we started getting better event ninjas and I also adapted to the change of the game in arena and would formulate teams to give myself some kind of advantage. Since Jin 2 was released, I picked up Roshi, and Han with Water main and Sailor Sakura to deal with buff reliant teams. I was also called Pay2Win for having these 3 ninjas, when in fact, I got my Sailor Sakura for 2k coupons if that (give or take a couple hundred) which was really cheap since oasis gave half her frags basically for free in mission Mobilization so it was a lot cheaper for me to 4* and I even got her to 5* for free. This was during a time where I never spent a single cent (still haven't technically). Then in 2018 or so I needed a couple more frags for Kushina around last year's Anniversary, my gf Recharged my account to let me get her, she only spent cash on my account twice, just enough for Jonin medal which gave me a monthly card. Yet I'm currently sitting on Edo Hiruzen, Edo Itachi, P1 Fire Main and a Shisui. And I'm sitting at 226k on a power team and I haven't spent a single coupon on power items only Ninja frags.

So what is your problem? Why would you rather the game change for you? Why can't you try and get better? Why do you feel the need to be s* fed so you can "win"? Fun fact, you're not entitled to any wins in arena. The only way you'll get a win, is if you earn it. What is wrong with telling you to get better? The game is all about improving your character. This is the reality of the game

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2019-08-29 15:47:41.
  • Registered: 2018-01-08
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On 2019-08-29 15:53:40Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-29 15:47:01
  • Arena has scaled stats (minus initiative), so the only thing you have to worry about is ninjas (more or less.) But yes, you must conform the game, better yourself and you'll have an easier time. I was in your shoes back in 2016 or 2017 and guess what. I didn't whine or moan about how unfair it was. I bettered myself getting as many ninjas as possible. In 2.0 I ran 2 teams.

    water main, Sage Naruto, Kabuto, and Hinata. This dealt with LM Blitz teams with ease. Then I built a 2nd team using Fire Main, Konan, Ningendo, and Shurado for Mei/Mabuit/Tenten. Would CC the mabui round 1 with fire main, then I would use Shurado to interrupt the Mabui if not, I used Shurado on GNW Tenten to interrupt. Generally beating my opponent's every time.

    Then we started getting better event ninjas and I also adapted to the change of the game in arena and would formulate teams to give myself some kind of advantage. Since Jin 2 was released, I picked up Roshi, and Han with Water main and Sailor Sakura to deal with buff reliant teams. I was also called Pay2Win for having these 3 ninjas, when in fact, I got my Sailor Sakura for 2k coupons if that (give or take a couple hundred) which was really cheap since oasis gave half her frags basically for free in mission Mobilization so it was a lot cheaper for me to 4* and I even got her to 5* for free. This was during a time where I never spent a single cent (still haven't technically). Then in 2018 or so I needed a couple more frags for Kushina around last year's Anniversary, my gf Recharged my account to let me get her, she only spent cash on my account twice, just enough for Jonin medal which gave me a monthly card. Yet I'm currently sitting on Edo Hiruzen, Edo Itachi, P1 Fire Main and a Shisui. And I'm sitting at 226k on a power team and I haven't spent a single coupon on power items only Ninja frags.

    So what is your problem? Why would you rather the game change for you? Why can't you try and get better? Why do you feel the need to be s* fed so you can "win"? Fun fact, you're not entitled to any wins in arena. The only way you'll get a win, is if you earn it. What is wrong with telling you to get better? The game is all about improving your character. This is the reality of the game

you're a complete joke. i stopped ready from 2016 ir 2017. coz there was no cross server back then

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On 2019-08-29 15:57:24Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-29 15:47:01
  • Arena has scaled stats (minus initiative), so the only thing you have to worry about is ninjas (more or less.) But yes, you must conform the game, better yourself and you'll have an easier time. I was in your shoes back in 2016 or 2017 and guess what. I didn't whine or moan about how unfair it was. I bettered myself getting as many ninjas as possible. In 2.0 I ran 2 teams.

    water main, Sage Naruto, Kabuto, and Hinata. This dealt with LM Blitz teams with ease. Then I built a 2nd team using Fire Main, Konan, Ningendo, and Shurado for Mei/Mabuit/Tenten. Would CC the mabui round 1 with fire main, then I would use Shurado to interrupt the Mabui if not, I used Shurado on GNW Tenten to interrupt. Generally beating my opponent's every time.

    Then we started getting better event ninjas and I also adapted to the change of the game in arena and would formulate teams to give myself some kind of advantage. Since Jin 2 was released, I picked up Roshi, and Han with Water main and Sailor Sakura to deal with buff reliant teams. I was also called Pay2Win for having these 3 ninjas, when in fact, I got my Sailor Sakura for 2k coupons if that (give or take a couple hundred) which was really cheap since oasis gave half her frags basically for free in mission Mobilization so it was a lot cheaper for me to 4* and I even got her to 5* for free. This was during a time where I never spent a single cent (still haven't technically). Then in 2018 or so I needed a couple more frags for Kushina around last year's Anniversary, my gf Recharged my account to let me get her, she only spent cash on my account twice, just enough for Jonin medal which gave me a monthly card. Yet I'm currently sitting on Edo Hiruzen, Edo Itachi, P1 Fire Main and a Shisui. And I'm sitting at 226k on a power team and I haven't spent a single coupon on power items only Ninja frags.

    So what is your problem? Why would you rather the game change for you? Why can't you try and get better? Why do you feel the need to be s* fed so you can "win"? Fun fact, you're not entitled to any wins in arena. The only way you'll get a win, is if you earn it. What is wrong with telling you to get better? The game is all about improving your character. This is the reality of the game

Delusionally speaking, you mean your girlfriend spend for your medal? does that mean your girlfriend is P2W and you're not?

no need to highlight BS nobody bats an eye.

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On 2019-08-29 16:18:08Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-29 15:57:24
  • Delusionally speaking, you mean your girlfriend spend for your medal? does that mean your girlfriend is P2W and you're not?

    no need to highlight BS nobody bats an eye.

Why don't you actually try and refute arguments about why the game should cater to you? I also never stated there was X-Server back in 2016. Though there was a poll in 2017 about implementing X-Server and guess what, it was only held off for like I think 2-4 months and was still implemented.

Also from a quick google search and a post from Tobei ;)


FAQ for Cross-Server Great Ninja War

Q : When will the fist season of XServer GNW open ?

A : This weekend (2017.12.09). Last weekend was only registration round and players could enter only normal GNW.

Q : Do I have to register my group for XServer GNW ?

A : No, if your group participated last week in normal GNW, you will be placed in ranking according to how your group did. If your Group's name appears in this ranking, this means you will participate in XServer GNW instead of normal GNW. Only TOP 16 groups from each server will be able to participate in XServer GNW.

Q : How do I know my group qualified for XServer GNW ?

A : You can check the ranking in your Group base. All you have to do is talk to Staff member for Great Ninja War. He will show you two tabs and one of them is "qualifiers". This is the ranking for XServer GNW. If your name is displayed there, congratulations! You have qualified for XServer GNW.

Q : What will happen if my group did not qualify for XServer GNW ?

A : Your group will participate in normal version of GNW with rest of the groups that did not qualify for XServer.

Q : How often is XServer GNW ?

A : Every two weeks. After current round of XServer GNW ends, groups will have to qualify again.

Also on 2017 4 14 when X-Server for Arena was implemented... I ended up making this post. (Just to let you know, I did choose "Training" instead of ranked. I actually just forgot about this thread. And guess what that feedback was meant to reinforce the idea that players didn't want X-GNW (Which is backed up by a poll Oasis had. prior to implementing.)

You were saying?

This post was last edited by RenjiAsuka on 2019-08-29 16:30:37.
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On 2019-08-29 16:22:30Show this Author Only
  • RenjiAsuka On 2019-08-29 16:18:08
  • Why don't you actually try and refute arguments about why the game should cater to you? I also never stated there was X-Server back in 2016. Though there was a poll in 2017 about implementing X-Server and guess what, it was only held off for like I think 2-4 months and was still implemented.

    Also from a quick google search and a post from Tobei ;)


    FAQ for Cross-Server Great Ninja War

    Q : When will the fist season of XServer GNW open ?

    A : This weekend (2017.12.09). Last weekend was only registration round and players could enter only normal GNW.

    Q : Do I have to register my group for XServer GNW ?

    A : No, if your group participated last week in normal GNW, you will be placed in ranking according to how your group did. If your Group's name appears in this ranking, this means you will participate in XServer GNW instead of normal GNW. Only TOP 16 groups from each server will be able to participate in XServer GNW.

    Q : How do I know my group qualified for XServer GNW ?

    A : You can check the ranking in your Group base. All you have to do is talk to Staff member for Great Ninja War. He will show you two tabs and one of them is "qualifiers". This is the ranking for XServer GNW. If your name is displayed there, congratulations! You have qualified for XServer GNW.

    Q : What will happen if my group did not qualify for XServer GNW ?

    A : Your group will participate in normal version of GNW with rest of the groups that did not qualify for XServer.

    Q : How often is XServer GNW ?

    A : Every two weeks. After current round of XServer GNW ends, groups will have to qualify again.

    Also on 2017 4 14 when X-Server for Arena was implemented... I ended up making this post. (Just to let you know, I did choose "Training" instead of ranked. I actually just forgot about this thread. And guess what that feedback was meant to reinforce the idea that players didn't want X-GNW (Which is backed up by a poll Oasis had. prior to implementing.)

    You were saying?

then you have 0 comprehension of what im talking about.

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On 2019-08-29 16:29:24Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-29 16:22:30
  • then you have 0 comprehension of what im talking about.

For having a lot to say, you're not saying anything. So why can't you get better instead of asking for Oasis to change things for you?

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On 2019-08-29 16:33:28Show this Author Only

nah, quit it. you're saying false statement. there wasn't x-server back in 2016

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On 2019-08-29 16:34:33Show this Author Only
  • dddds2 On 2019-08-29 16:33:28
  • nah, quit it. you're saying false statement. there wasn't x-server back in 2016

I never said it why can't you get better as a player? Why does Oasis need to cater to you?

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