Views: 12478 | Replies: 15
Why is susanoo sasuke so expensive?


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On 2019-08-24 21:17:54Show All Posts
  • KonoDioDaa On 2019-08-24 19:05:02
  • this means he does criticl damage with increased power of 50 % but....if ugive him buffs like increasing ninjutsu 40% it will increase damage in different method 1.5x1.4=2.1 so instead of getting 1.9 he gets 2.1 if u give him 110 nin buff he gets 1.5x2.1=3.15 buff so instead of getting 160 more damage on mystery he gets 215% more

also that 1.5x crit means he doesnt scale with injury as its fixed by the number. thats why its important to break him, since he doesnt get large crit bonus but he can scale with injury dealing some nice damage.

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